2005 13 Modern Techniques for Implicit Modeling

“Modern Techniques for Implicit Modeling” by Du, Alexa and Hart

2005 12 Introduction to SIGGRAPH and Computer Graphics

“Introduction to SIGGRAPH and Computer Graphics” by Glassner

2005 11 Recent Advances in Haptic Rendering & Applications

“Recent Advances in Haptic Rendering & Applications” by McNeely, Cohen, Johnson, Klatzky, Pai, et al. …

2005 10 Realistic Materials in Computer Graphics

“Realistic Materials in Computer Graphics” by Mueller, Chuang, Hawkins, Marschner and Matusik

2005 09 Digital Face Cloning

“Digital Face Cloning” by Bennet, Borshukov, Debevec, Hery, Sullivan, et al. …

2005 08 The Web as a Procedural Sketchbook

“The Web as a Procedural Sketchbook” by Perlin

2005 07 Line Drawings From 3D Models

“Line Drawings From 3D Models” by DeCarlo and Finkelstein

2005 06 Advanced Topics on Clothing Simulation and Animation

“Advanced Topics on Clothing Simulation and Animation” by Zhang and Fedkiw

2005 05 Madagascar: Bringing a New Visual Style to the Screen

“Madagascar: Bringing a New Visual Style to the Screen” by Johnson, Cronkhite, Grignon, Huang, Rentel-Lavin, et al. …

2005 04 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

“An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Angel and Shreiner

2005 03 Computational Photography

“Computational Photography” by Nayar

2005 02 Introduction to Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics

“Introduction to Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics” by Hadap and Kokkevis

2005 01 Anyone Can Make Quality Animated Films! (The Eight Basic Steps to Success)

“Anyone Can Make Quality Animated Films! (The Eight Basic Steps to Success)” by Miller

2004 33 Crowd and Group Animation

“Crowd and Group Animation” by Thalmann, Hery, Lippman, Ono, Regelous, et al. …

2004 32 GPGPU General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware

“GPGPU: General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware” by Harris, Luebke, Buck, Govindaraju, Krüger, et al. …

2004 31 The Elements of Nature Interactive and Realistic Techniques

“The Elements of Nature: Interactive and Realistic Techniques” by Ebert, Deussen, Fedkiw, Musgrave, Prusinkiewicz, et al. …

2004 30 Visualizing Geospatial Data

“Visualizing Geospatial Data” by MacEachren and Rhyne

2004 29 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

“An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Shreiner, Angel and Shreiner

2004 28 Real-Time Volume Graphics

“Real-Time Volume Graphics” by Hadwiger, Rezk-Salama, Engel, Kniss, Lefohn, et al. …

2004 27 Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics

“Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics” by Breen, Fedkiw, Museth, Osher, Sapiro, et al. …

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