Michael J. O’Rourke

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  • New York City, New York, United States of America


  • Michael O’Rourke studied sculpture and computer graphic art for his MFA at the University of Pennsylvania, producing both physical sculpture and real-time interactive virtual sculpture between 1979 and 1982. He subsequently worked for seven years as a Senior Research Staff Artist at the New York Institute of Technology, where he produced computer-aided sculpture, animation and graphics. He now teaches at Pratt Institute, and continues working in a variety of media, both digital and traditional, producing graphic works and animation. His work has been exhibited widely and internationally since 1983.

    SIGGRAPH 1999

    Michael O’Rourke is an artist and animator and Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Graphics and Interactive Media at Pratt Institute, in Brooklyn, NY. His professional training in the arts includes an M.F.A. degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Following his studies, he was a senior Research Staff Artist at the New York Institute of Technology Computer Graphics laboratory, where he worked on personal animations and artwork as well as commercial animations, contributing to a Clio-award winning animation and a first-prize-winner at the Los Angeles Animation Celebration.

    At Pratt, he is the senior faculty member and lead instructor in the animation program of Pratt’s Department of Computer Graphics and Interactive Media. He is also the author of Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation (W.W. Norton, 1998, Revised Edition). This book has also been printed in a Japanese language edition by Toppan Co., Tokyo, Japan, and will soon be in a Chinese language edition by MegaViz. Taipei, R.O.C. In addition to teaching, he actively pursues his own artwork. concentrating most recently on several series of prints and drawings. He has exhibited his work internationally, and was one of the featured artists in the Siggraph ’97 Ongoings exhibition. He has also done several series of computer-aided sculpture and graphic works for the artist Frank Stella.

    In addition to his experience as an artist, he has broad experience as an educator. His studies in this area were at Harvard University, where he earned an Ed.M. degree. In addition to his teaching at Pratt. he has taught Kindergarten, English as a foreign language in West Africa, and conversational French.  

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Michael O’Rourke is an artist and animator and Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Graphics and Interactive Media at Pratt institute in Brooklyn, NY. His professional training in the arts includes an MFA degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Following his studies, he was a Senior Research Staff Artist at the New York Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Laboratory, where he worked on personal animations and artwork as well as commercial animations contributing to a Clio award winning animation and a first prize winner at the Los Angeles Animation Celebration.

    At Pratt, he is the senior faculty member and lead instructor in the animation program of Pratt’s Department of Computer Graphics and Interactive Media. He is also the author of Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation (WW Norton, 1995). While teaching, he continues to work on his own artwork, both animation and still imagery, concentrating most recently on several series of prints. He has exhibited his work internationally, and is one of the featured artists in the Siggraph ’97 Ongoings exhibition. He has also done several series of computer aided sculpture and graphic works for the artist Frank Stella.

    In addition to his experience as an artist he has broad experience as an educator. His studies in this area were at Harvard University, where he earned an Ed M degree. In addition to his teaching at Pratt he has taught Kindergarten, English as a foreign language in West Africa, and conversational French.  


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