“3D Computer Animation Workshop” by O’Rourke

  • ©Michael J. O'Rourke



Entry Number: 34


    3D Computer Animation Workshop

Course Organizer(s):



    Familiarity with the basic keyboard, mouse, and menu interfaces of computers, but no prior experience with 3D computer animation required.

    Topics Covered
    Beginning with simple modeling, rendering, and keyframing, participants progressed through more complex techniques: texture mapping, path animation, and inverse kinematics. Participants learned the underlying principles that are shared by all 3D computer animation software packages and how these principles are implemented on one of today’s major software packages.

    Introduction to high-end 3D computer animation capabilities. The course was divided into several segments, each consisting of a lecture on specific principles of 3D animation, a demonstration of how those principles are implemented with the software being used, and an extended exercise in which participants who were in the Creative Applications Laboratory (CAL) worked on a short animation which illustrates those principles.

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: