Issue 136: SIGGRAPH 2000 Animation Theater Program Part II

  • ©136, SIGGRAPH 2000 Animation Theater Program Part II
  • ©136, SIGGRAPH 2000 Animation Theater Program Part II

SVR Issue No:  136

SVR Issue Title:  SIGGRAPH 2000 Animation Theater Program Part II

Conference:  SIGGRAPH 2000

SVR Booklet PDF:  View PDF

SVR Issue Information

  • Issue 136: SIGGRAPH 2000 Animation Theater Program Part II

    Digital Dimentia
    1. PAF le Moustique – Trimaran
    2. Hypokeimenon – Hiroyasu Shimo
    3. Wyatt Earp – Kapow Pictures Pty Ltd.
    4. When Animals Go Berserk – Warner Bros.
    5. Melvin: The Red Headed Stepchild – Giant Studios
    6. Mime In A Box – The Atlanta College of Art
    7. Sumo Air – Ryan Powell
    8. Shine – Vancouver Film School
    9. CG-Eye – Matt Rhodes
    10. Porkchops: Episode #1 – Bullseye Art, Ltd.
    11. Inlex – Ringling School of Art & Design
    12. Cat Ciao – Pixel Playground Animations
    13. Sssplootsshhh – A.T.I.

    Story #1
    14. Swingy & the Magic Hat – CNBDI-LIN
    15. Matador – Digital Hollywood
    16. Evil I – Rochester Institute of Technology
    17. Geckos – National Animation & Design Centre (NAD Centre)
    18. The Scarecrow – Cheryl Meier
    19. Fixture Fixation – Mark Stanyk
    20. Dongri – Keio University Inakage Lab
    21. Imagination Sight – Technochet Co., Ltd.
    22. Big Hairy Spider – Ringling School of Art & Design
    23. The Nightshift – David Kury
    24. Tekkon Kinkreet – Trilogy Corp.

    Story #2
    25. Film VR – Blue Sky Studios
    26. Lily – Digital Hollywood
    27. Niumb – CNBDI-LIN
    28. Elevator World – Mitchell Rose
    29. Yamawarasi – Digital Hollywood
    30. The Metamorphosis – Filmtel S.A.
    31. Akira Kurosawa’s Flying – motor/liez
    32. Satisfaction – Texas A&M University
    33. Creatures – Digital Hollywood
    34. Kigai – Texas A&&M Visualization Lab
    35. Samurice – Queensland University of Technology

    Big Screen Little Screen
    36. Subconscious Commercial Insertion –
    37. BAA 2000 – The Moving Picture Company
    38. EYEball – The Moving Picture Company
    39. Skiddles – Exodus Entertainment, Inc.
    40. Smart – Buf Compagnie
    41. Hollywood – Buf Compagnie
    42. The Hunley – Station X Studios
    43. Mazda “Cool World” – Rhythm & Hues Studios
    44. Nike – Buf Compagnie
    45. Levi’s ‘”Socks” – Digital Domain, Inc.

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