Michael Capps

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Naval Postgraduate School, Instructor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • SIGGRAPH 1999

    Michael Capps is an instructor and Ph.D. candidate in the Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation curriculum at the Naval Postgraduate School. His most recent previous experience includes research at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and at the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, both in Cambridge, MA. His research involves techniques for optimization of networked graphics, and software engineering for interoperable shared virtual environments. Other interests include geometric reconstruction, collaborative computing, and hypertext protocols; he has published technical academic articles ranging across all of these topics. Michael organizes the highly successful annual “Systems Aspects of Sharing a Virtual Reality” workshop series, which is in its third year. He received honors in Mathematics and Creative Writing in his undergraduate work at the University of North Carolina, and earned an MS in Computer Science there as well. Michael is also the founder and editor of the VR.EDU computer graphics education web-site. He has served on the organizing committee of several prominent academic conferences, including ACM Hypertext, CSCW, VRAIS, IEEE Virtual Reality, and the annual World Wide Web conference series, and is Technical Program Chair for VRML 2000.  


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Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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