2018 Technical Paper: HU_A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling

“A moving least squares material point method with displacement discontinuity and two-way rigid body coupling” by Hu, Fang, Ge, Qu, Zhu, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: HU_Predictive and Generative Neural Networks for Object Functionality

“Predictive and generative neural networks for object functionality” by Hu, Yan, Zhang, Kaick, Shamir, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: YIN_P2P-NET: Bidirectional Point Displacement Net for Shape Transform

“P2P-NET: bidirectional point displacement net for shape transform” by Yin, Huang, Cohen-Or and Zhang

2018 Technical Paper: LIMPER_Box Cutter: Atlas Refinement for Efficient Packing via Void Elimination

“Box cutter: atlas refinement for efficient packing via void elimination” by Limper, Vining and Sheffer

2018 Technical Paper: PRADA_Gradient-Domain Processing within a Texture Atlas

“Gradient-domain processing within a texture atlas” by Prada, Kazhdan, Chuang and Hoppe

2018 Technical Paper: SHARP_Variational Surface Cutting

“Variational surface cutting” by Sharp and Crane

2018 Technical Paper: SCHERTLER_Generalized Motorcycle Graphs for Imperfect Quad-Dominant Meshes

“Generalized motorcycle graphs for imperfect quad-dominant meshes” by Schertler, Panozzo, Gumhold and Tarini

2018 Technical Paper: BRUNTON_3D Printing Spatially Varying Color and Translucency

“3D printing spatially varying color and translucency” by Brunton, Arikan, Tanksale and Urban

2018 Technical Paper: SAKURAI_Fabricating Reflectors for Displaying Multiple Images

“Fabricating reflectors for displaying multiple images” by Sakurai, Dobashi, Iwasaki and Nishita

2018 Technical Paper: AUZINGER_Computational Design of Nanostructural Color for Additive Manufacturing

“Computational design of nanostructural color for additive manufacturing” by Auzinger, Heidrich and Bickel

2018 Technical Paper: GEILINGER_Skaterbots: Optimization-based design and motion synthesis for robotic creatures with legs and wheels

“Skaterbots: optimization-based design and motion synthesis for robotic creatures with legs and wheels” by Geilinger, Poranne, Desai and Coros

2018 Technical Paper: ZHOU_VisemeNet: Audio-Driven Animator-Centric Speech Animation

“Visemenet: audio-driven animator-centric speech animation” by Zhou, Xu, Landreth, Kalogerakis, Maji, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: YAMAGUCHI_High-Fidelity Facial Reflectance and Geometry Inference From an Unconstrained Image

“High-fidelity facial reflectance and geometry inference from an unconstrained image” by Yamaguchi, Saito, Nagano, Zhao, Chen, et al. …

2018 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Deep video portraits” by Kim, Garrido, Tewari, Xu, Thies, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: THIES_HeadOn: Real-time Reenactment of Human Portrait Videos

“Headon: real-time reenactment of human portrait videos” by Thies, Zollhöfer, Theobalt, Stamminger and Niessner

2018 Technical Paper: HAN_Online Optical Marker-based Hand Tracking with Deep Labels

“Online optical marker-based hand tracking with deep labels” by Han, Liu and Wang

2018 Technical Paper: HOLDEN_Robust Solving of Optical Motion Capture Data by Denoising

“Robust solving of optical motion capture data by denoising” by Holden

2018 Technical Papers Dvorožnák_Toonsynth

“Toonsynth: example-based synthesis of hand-colored cartoon animations” by Dvorožňák, Li, Kim and Sýkora

2019 Technical Paper: CSÉBFALVI_Beyond Trilinear Interpolation: Higher Quality for Free

“Beyond trilinear interpolation: higher quality for free” by Csébfalvi

2019 Technical Paper: LYON_Parametrization Quantization with Free Boundaries for Trimmed Quad Meshing

“Parametrization quantization with free boundaries for trimmed quad meshing” by Lyon, Campen, Bommes and Kobbelt

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