“3D printing spatially varying color and translucency” by Brunton, Arikan, Tanksale and Urban

  • ©Alan Brunton, Can Ates Arikan, Tejas Madan Tanksale, and Philipp Urban



Entry Number: 157


    3D printing spatially varying color and translucency

Session/Category Title:   Fabrication for Color and Motion




    We present an efficient and scalable pipeline for fabricating full-colored objects with spatially-varying translucency from practical and accessible input data via multi-material 3D printing. Observing that the costs associated with BSSRDF measurement and processing are high, the range of 3D printable BSSRDFs are severely limited, and that the human visual system relies only on simple high-level cues to perceive translucency, we propose a method based on reproducing perceptual translucency cues. The input to our pipeline is an RGBA signal defined on the surface of an object, making our approach accessible and practical for designers. We propose a framework for extending standard color management and profiling to combined color and translucency management using a gamut correspondence strategy we call opaque relative processing. We present an efficient streaming method to compute voxel-level material arrangements, achieving both realistic reproduction of measured translucent materials and artistic effects involving multiple fully or partially transparent geometries.


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