2013 Technical Paper: Ando_Highly Adaptive Liquid Simulations on Tetrahedral Meshes

“Highly adaptive liquid simulations on tetrahedral meshes” by Ando, Thuerey and Wojtan

2013 Technical Paper: Stomakhin_A material point method for snow simulation

“A material point method for snow simulation” by Stomakhin, Schroeder, Chai, Teran and Selle

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Anisotropic Delaunay Meshes of Surfaces” by Boissonnat, Shi, Tournois and Yvinec

2013 Technical Paper: Zhong_Particle-Based Anisotropic Surface Meshing

“Particle-based anisotropic surface meshing” by Zhong, Guo, Wang, Levy, Sun, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: Bommes_Integer-Grid Maps for Reliable Quad Meshing

“Integer-grid maps for reliable quad meshing” by Bommes, Campen, Ebke, Alliez and Kobbelt

2013 Technical Paper: Takayama_Sketch-Based Generation and Editing of Quad Meshes

“Sketch-based generation and editing of quad meshes” by Takayama, Panozzo, Sorkine-Hornung and Sorkine-Hornung

2013 Technical Paper: KIMMEL_Spectral Appearance Changes Induced by Light Exposure

“Spectral Appearance Changes Induced by Light Exposure” by Kimmel, Baranoski, Chen, Yim and Miranda

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“5D Covariance Tracing for Efficient Depth of Field and Motion Blur” by Belcour, Soler, Subr, Holzschuch and Durand

2013 Technical Paper: Kampe_High Resolution Sparse Voxel DAGs

“High resolution sparse voxel DAGs” by Kampe, Sintorn and Assarsson

2013 Technical Paper: Barringer_A 4: Asynchronous Adaptive Anti-Aliasing using Shared Memory

“A4: asynchronous adaptive anti-aliasing using shared memory” by Barringer and Akenine-Moller

2013 Technical Paper: Mehta_Axis-Aligned Filtering for Interactive Physically-Based Diffuse Indirect Lighting

“Axis-aligned filtering for interactive physically-based diffuse indirect lighting” by Mehta, Wang, Ramamoorthi and Durand

2013 Technical Paper: Lehtinen_Gradient-Domain Metropolis Light Transport

“Gradient-domain metropolis light transport” by Lehtinen, Karras, Laine, Aittala, Durand, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: KAPLANYAN_Adaptive Progressive Photon Mapping

“Adaptive Progressive Photon Mapping” by Kaplanyan and Dachsbacher

2013 Technical Paper: HACHISUKA_Robust Adaptive Photon Tracing Using Photon Path Visibility

“Robust Adaptive Photon Tracing Using Photon-Path Visibility” by Hachisuka and Jensen

2013 Technical Paper: Song_Reciprocal Frame Structures Made Easy

“Reciprocal frame structures made easy” by Fu, Song, Prashant, Zheng, Mitra, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: de Goes_On the Equilibrium of Simplicial Masonry Structures

“On the equilibrium of simplicial masonry structures” by Goes, Alliez, Owhadi and Desbrun

2013 Technical Paper: Liu_Computing Self-Supporting Surfaces by Regular Triangulation

“Computing self-supporting surfaces by regular triangulation” by Liu, Pan, Snyder, Wang and Guo

2013 Technical Paper: Panozzo_Designing Unreinforced Masonry Models

“Designing unreinforced masonry models” by Panozzo, Block and Sorkine-Hornung

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image‐Based Navigation” by Chaurasia, Duchene, Sorkine-Hornung and Drettakis

“Phase-based video motion processing” by Wadhwa, Rubinstein, Durand and Freeman

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