2012 Technical Paper: Kalogerakis_A Probabilistic Model for Component-Based Shape Synthesis

“A probabilistic model for component-based shape synthesis” by Kalogerakis, Chaudhuri, Koller and Koltun

2012 Technical Paper: Kim_Exploring Collections of 3D Models using Fuzzy Correspondences

“Exploring collections of 3D models using fuzzy correspondences” by Kim, Li, Mitra, DiVerdi and Funkhouser

2012 Technical Paper: Busaryev_Animating Bubble Interactions in a Liquid Foam

“Animating bubble interactions in a liquid foam” by Busaryev, Dey, Wang and Ren

2012 Technical Paper: Akinci_Versatile Rigid-Fluid Coupling for Incompressible SPH

“Versatile rigid-fluid coupling for incompressible SPH” by Akinci, Ihmsen, Akinci, Solenthaler and Teschner

2012 Technical Paper: Schechter_Ghost SPH for Animating Water

“Ghost SPH for animating water” by Schechter and Bridson

2012 Technical Paper: Novak_Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media

“Virtual ray lights for rendering scenes with participating media” by Novák, Nowrouzezahrai, Dachsbacher and Jarosz

2012 Technical Paper: Walter_Bidirectional Lightcuts

“Bidirectional lightcuts” by Walter, Khungurn and Bala

2012 Technical Paper: Jakob_Manifold Exploration: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique for Rendering Scenes with Difficult Specular Transport

“Manifold exploration: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique for rendering scenes with difficult specular transport” by Jakob and Marschner

2012 Technical Paper: Lehtinen_Reconstructing the Indirect Light Field for Global Illumination

“Reconstructing the indirect light field for global illumination” by Lehtinen, Aila, Laine and Durand

“Tracking surfaces with evolving topology” by Bojsen-Hansen, Li and Wojtan

2012 Technical Paper: Gregson_Stochastic Tomography and its Applications in 3D Imaging of Mixing Fluids

“Stochastic tomography and its applications in 3D imaging of mixing fluids” by Gregson, Krimerman, Hullin and Heidrich

2012 Technical Paper: Pirk_Plastic Trees: Interactive Self Adapting Botanical Tree Models

“Plastic trees: interactive self-adapting botanical tree models” by Pirk, Stava, Kratt, Said, Neubert, et al. …

2012 Technical Paper: Igarashi_Beady: Interactive Beadwork Design and Construction

“Beady: interactive beadwork design and construction” by Igarashi, Igarashi and Mitani

2012 Technical Paper: Stava_Stress Relief: Improving Structural Strength of 3D Printable Objects

“Stress relief: improving structural strength of 3D printable objects” by Stava, Vanek, Benes, Carr and Mech

2012 Technical Paper: Bacher_Fabricating Articulated Characters from Skinned Meshes

“Fabricating articulated characters from skinned meshes” by Bächer, Bickel, James and Pfister

2012 Technical Paper: Lu_HelpingHand: Example-based Stroke Stylization

“HelpingHand: example-based stroke stylization” by Lu, Yu, Finkelstein and DiVerdi

2012 Technical Paper: Shao_CrossShade: Shading Concept Sketches Using Cross-Section Curves

“CrossShade: shading concept sketches using cross-section curves” by Shao, Bousseau, Sheffer and Singh

2012 Technical Paper: Eitz_How Do Humans Sketch Objects?

“How do humans sketch objects?” by Eitz, Hays and Alexa

2012 Technical Paper: Mordatch_Discovery of Complex Behaviors through Contact-Invariant Optimization

“Discovery of complex behaviors through contact-invariant optimization” by Mordatch, Todorov and Popovic

2012 Technical Paper: Yeo_Eyecatch: Simulating Visuomotor Coordination for Object Interception

“Eyecatch: simulating visuomotor coordination for object interception” by Yeo, Lesmana, Neog and Pai

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