2023 Technical Papers: Zhang_Deep SVBRDF Estimation from Single Image under Learned Planar Lighting

“Deep SVBRDF Estimation from Single Image under Learned Planar Lighting” by Zhang, Gao, Wang, Yu, Cheng, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Hu_Deep Real-time Volumetric Rendering Using Multi-feature Fusion

“Deep Real-time Volumetric Rendering Using Multi-feature Fusion” by Hu, Yu, Liu, Yan, Wu, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Wu_DE-NeRF: DEcoupled Neural Radiance Fields for View-Consistent Appearance Editing and High-Frequency Environmental Relighting

“DE-NeRF: DEcoupled Neural Radiance Fields for View-Consistent Appearance Editing and High-Frequency Environmental Relighting” by Wu, Sun, Lai and Gao

2023 Technical Papers: Sharp_Data-Free Learning of Reduced-Order Kinematics

“Data-Free Learning of Reduced-Order Kinematics” by Sharp, Romero, Jacobson, Vouga, Kry, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers:

“COFS: COntrollable Furniture layout Synthesis” by Para, Guerrero, Mitra and Wonka

2023 Technical Papers: Lin_FashionTex: Controllable Virtual Try-on with Text and Texture

“FashionTex: Controllable Virtual Try-on with Text and Texture” by Lin, Zhao, Ning, Qiu, Wang, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Wang_Efficient Video Portrait Reenactment via Grid-based Codebook

“Efficient Video Portrait Reenactment via Grid-based Codebook” by Wang, Zhou, Wu, Tang, Xu, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Pan_Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold

“Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold” by Pan, Tewari, Leimkühler, Liu, Meka, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Šubrtová_Diffusion Image Analogies

“Diffusion Image Analogies” by Šubrtová, Lukáč, Čech, Futschik, Shechtman, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Jung_Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction

“Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction” by Jung, Kim, Hwang, Baek and Lee

2023 Technical Papers: Xu_LatentAvatar: Learning Latent Expression Code for Expressive Neural Head Avatar

“LatentAvatar: Learning Latent Expression Code for Expressive Neural Head Avatar” by Xu, Zhang, Wang, Zhao, Huang, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Briedis_Kernel-Based Frame Interpolation for Spatio-Temporally Adaptive Rendering

“Kernel-Based Frame Interpolation for Spatio-Temporally Adaptive Rendering” by Martins Briedis, Djelouah, Ortiz, Meyer, Gross, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Ferguson_High-Order Incremental Potential Contact for Elastodynamic Simulation on Curved Meshes

“High-Order Incremental Potential Contact for Elastodynamic Simulation on Curved Meshes” by Ferguson, Jain, Zorin, Schneider and Panozzo

2023 Technical Papers: Mitra_Helix-Free Stripes for Knit Graph Design

“Helix-Free Stripes for Knit Graph Design” by Mitra, Makatura, Whiting and Chien

2023 Technical Papers: Tancik_Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development

“Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development” by Tancik, Weber, Ng, Li, Yi, et al. …

2023 Technical Papers: Huang_NeRF-Texture: Texture Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields

“NeRF-Texture: Texture Synthesis with Neural Radiance Fields” by Huang, Cao, Lai, Shan and Gao

2023 Technical Papers: Ham_Modulating Pretrained Diffusion Models for Multimodal Image Synthesis

“Modulating Pretrained Diffusion Models for Multimodal Image Synthesis” by Ham, Hays, Lu, Singh and Hinz

2023 Technical Papers: Michel_MesoGen: Designing Procedural On-Surface Stranded Mesostructures

“MesoGen: Designing Procedural On-Surface Stranded Mesostructures” by Michel and Boubekeur

2023 Technical Papers: Chen_Neural Progressive Meshes

“Neural Progressive Meshes” by Chen, Kim, Aigerman and Jacobson

2023 Technical Papers: Wolski_Neural Partitioning Pyramids for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings

“Neural Partitioning Pyramids for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings” by Wolski, Myszkowski, Seidel and Mantiuk

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