“Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction” by Jung, Kim, Hwang, Baek and Lee

  • ©Yucheol Jung, Hyomin Kim, Gyeongha Hwang, Seung-Hwan Baek, and Seungyong Lee




    Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction

Session/Category Title:   All About Meshes




    In 3D shape reconstruction based on template mesh deformation, a regularization, such as smoothness energy, is employed to guide the reconstruction into a desirable direction. In this paper, we highlight an often overlooked property in the regularization: the vertex density in the mesh. Without careful control on the density, the reconstruction may suffer from under-sampling of vertices near shape details. We propose a novel mesh density adaptation method to resolve the under-sampling problem. Our mesh density adaptation energy increases the density of vertices near complex structures via deformation to help reconstruction of shape details. We demonstrate the usability and performance of mesh density adaptation with two tasks, inverse rendering and non-rigid surface registration. Our method produces more accurate reconstruction results compared to the cases without mesh density adaptation. Our code is available at https://github.com/ycjungSubhuman/density-adaptation.


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