2015 Posters: Yoda_Decomposition of 32 bpp into 16 bpp Textures with Alpha

“Decomposition of 32 bpp into 16 bpp Textures with Alpha” by Yoda and Igarashi

2015 Posters: Woo_WAOH : Virtual Automotive HMI Evaluation Tool

“WAOH : Virtual Automotive HMI Evaluation Tool” by Woo, An, Oh and Hong

2015 Posters: Scheggi_Touch the virtual reality: using the Leap Motion controller for hand tracking and wearable tactile devices for immersive haptic rendering

“Touch the virtual reality: using the Leap Motion controller for hand tracking and wearable tactile devices for immersive haptic rendering” by Scheggi, Meli, Pacchierotti and Prattichizzo

“Spherical Light Field Environment Capture for Virtual Reality using a Motorized Pan/Tilt Head and Offset Camera” by Debevec, Downing, Bolas, Peng and Urbach

2015 Posters: Yasumoto_Shadow Shooter: 360-Degree All-Around Virtual 3D Interactive Content

“Shadow Shooter: 360-Degree All-Around Virtual 3D Interactive Content” by Yasumoto and Teraoka

2015 Posters: Lee_RiSE: Reflectance Transformation Imaging in Spatial Augmented Reality for Exhibition of Cultural Heritage

“RiSE: Reflectance Transformation Imaging in Spatial Augmented Reality for Exhibition of Cultural Heritage” by Lee, Choi, Kim, Lee, Son, et al. …

“MR Coral Sea Evolved Mixed Reality Aquarium with Physical MR Displays” by Ohshima, Kawaguchi and Tanaka

2015 Posters: Zhang_Mouth Gesture based Emotion Awareness and Interaction in Virtual Reality

“Mouth Gesture based Emotion Awareness and Interaction in Virtual Reality” by Zhang, Ciftci and Yin

2015 Posters: Bollam_Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality with Real-time AR/VR switching

“Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality with Real-time AR/VR switching” by Bollam, Gothwal, V, Kumar and Deb

2015 Posters: Marques_Improving Depth Perception during Surgical Augmented Reality

“Improving Depth Perception during Surgical Augmented Reality” by Marques, Haouchine, Plantefeve and Cotin

2015 Posters: Nakasu_Hands-free Gesture Operation for Maintenance Work using Finger-mounted Acceleration Sensor

“Hands-free Gesture Operation for Maintenance Work using Finger-mounted Acceleration Sensor” by Nakasu, Ike, Imoto and Yamauchi

2015 Posters: Haouchine_Fracture in Augmented Reality

“Fracture in Augmented Reality” by Haouchine, Bilger, Dequidt and Cotin

2015 Posters: Saenz_FlexAR: Anatomy Education through Kinetic Tangible Augmented Reality

“FlexAR: Anatomy Education through Kinetic Tangible Augmented Reality” by Saenz, Strunk, Maset, Seo and Malone

2015 Posters: Wu_First-person view animation editing utilizing video see-through augmented reality

“First-person view animation editing utilizing video see-through augmented” by Wu, Li, Huang and Ouhyoung

2015 Posters: Bolas_Creating Near-Field VR Using Stop Motion Characters and a Touch of Light-Field Rendering

“Creating Near-Field VR Using Stop Motion Characters and a Touch of Light-Field Rendering” by Bolas, Kuruvilla, Chintalapudi, Rabelo, Lympouridis, et al. …

2015 Posters: Nishida_CHILDHOOD: Wearable Suit for Augmented Child Experience

“CHILDHOOD: Wearable Suit for Augmented Child Experience” by Nishida, Takatori, Sato and Suzuki

2015 Posters: Talbot_Augmented Reality for Cryoablation Procedures

“Augmented Reality for Cryoablation Procedures” by Talbot, Roy and Cotin

2015 Posters: Masai_AffectiveWear: Toward Recognizing Facial Expression

“AffectiveWear: Toward Recognizing Facial Expression” by Masai, Sugiura, Ogata, Suzuki, Nakamura, et al. …

2015 Posters: Leigh_Z-Drawing: A Flying Agent System for Computer-assisted Drawing

“Z-Drawing: A Flying Agent System for Computer-assisted Drawing” by Leigh, Agrawal and Maes

2015 Posters: Fukushima_Wobble Strings: Spatially Divided Stroboscopic Effect for Augmenting Wobbly Motion of Stringed Instruments

“Wobble Strings: Spatially Divided Stroboscopic Effect for Augmenting Wobbly Motion of Stringed Instruments” by Fukushima and Naemura

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