“Shadow Shooter: 360-Degree All-Around Virtual 3D Interactive Content” by Yasumoto and Teraoka

  • ©Masasuke Yasumoto and Takehiro Teraoka

  • ©Masasuke Yasumoto and Takehiro Teraoka



Entry Number: 29


    Shadow Shooter: 360-Degree All-Around Virtual 3D Interactive Content



    “Shadow Shooter” is a VR shooter game that uses the “e-Yumi 3D” bow interface and real physical interactive content that changes a 360-degree all-around view in a room into virtual game space (Figure 1). This system was constructed by developing our previous interactive “Light Shooter” content based on “The Electric Bow Interface” [Yasumoto and Ohta 2013]. Shadow Shooter expands the virtual game space to all the walls in a room just as in Jones’ “Room Alive”[Jones et al. 2014]; however, it does not require large-scale equipment such as multiple projectors. It only requires the e-Yumi 3D device that consists of a real bow’s components added to Willis’s interface with a mobile projector [Willis et al. 2013]. Thus, we constructed a unique device for Shadow Shooter that easily changes the 360-degree all-around view into a virtual game space.


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