“MR Coral Sea Evolved Mixed Reality Aquarium with Physical MR Displays” by Ohshima, Kawaguchi and Tanaka

  • ©Toshikazu Ohshima, Shun Kawaguchi, and Yuma Tanaka

  • ©Toshikazu Ohshima, Shun Kawaguchi, and Yuma Tanaka



Entry Number: 27


    MR Coral Sea Evolved Mixed Reality Aquarium with Physical MR Displays



    The MR Coral Sea is a mixed reality tiny aquarium. The intent of the system is to play with little virtual fish. A player can interact with the virtual fish via Coral Display, an interactive device with multisensory physical feedback. When a player presents his or her hand above the device, fish bait appears on the palm, and the virtual fish come to eat it. The device provides the user with a feeling of spatial existence through illumination and vibration.


    This work was supported by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) KAKENHI Grant Number 24500159 and 24220004.


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