2014 Poster: Tono_Basic Study on Creation of Invisible Shadows by Using Infrared Lights and Polarizers

“Basic Study on Creation of Invisible Shadows by Using Infrared Lights and Polarizers” by Tono, Sakaguchi and Matsushita

2014 Poster: Kato_Example-Based Blendshape Sculpting with Expression Individuality

“Example-Based Blendshape Sculpting with Expression Individuality” by Kato, Saito, Kawai, Iwao, Maejima, et al. …

2014 Poster: KAWAI_Automatic Deblurring for Facial Image Based on Patch Synthesis

“Automatic Deblurring for Facial Image Based on Patch Synthesis” by Kawai, Iwao, Maejima and Morishima

2014 Poster: Colombero_Augmented Reality Theater Experience

“Augmented Reality Theater Experience” by Colombero, Hunsucker, Mo and Rouse

2014 Poster: Kim_Asynchronous BVH Reconstruction on CPU-GPU Hybrid Architecture

“Asynchronous BVH Reconstruction on CPU-GPU Hybrid Architecture” by Kim, Kim, Lee and Han

2014 Poster: Seo_ARnatomy: Tangible AR App for learning Gross Anatomy

“ARnatomy: Tangible AR App for learning Gross Anatomy” by Seo, Storey, Chavez, Reyna, Suh, et al. …

2014 Poster: Wakita_An Unconstrained Tactile Rendering with Tablet Device based on Time-series Haptic Sensing with Bilateral Control

“An Unconstrained Tactile Rendering with Tablet Device based on Time-series Haptic Sensing with Bilateral Control” by Wakita and Tanaka

2014 Poster: Ikeda_An Object Space Approach to Shadowing for Hair-shaped Objects

“An Object Space Approach to Shadowing for Hair-shaped Objects” by Ikeda, Fujishiro and Matsuoka

2014 Poster: Sato_An icicle generation model based on the SPH method

“An icicle generation model based on the SPH method” by Sato, Kobayashi, Moriya, Morimoto and Takahashi

2014 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“An Evaluation of Personality Type Pairings to Improve Video Game Enjoyment” by Chan, Whitehead and Parush

2014 Poster: Uehara_A Virtual 3D Photocopy System

“A Virtual 3D Photocopy System” by Uehara and Mizuno

2014 Poster: Ishikawa_A Video Summarization Technique of Animation Products According to Film Comic Format

“A Video Summarization Technique of Animation Products According to Film Comic Format” by Ishikawa, Okazaki, Kakimoto and Nishita

2014 Poster: Manukyan_A Versatile High-Resolution Scanning System and its Application to Statistical Analysis of Lizards’ Skin Colour Time-Evolution

“A Versatile High-Resolution Scanning System and its Application to Statistical Analysis of Lizards’ Skin Colour Time-Evolution” by Manukyan, Martins, Montandon, Bessant and Milinkovitch

2014 Poster: Horishita_A Nonluminous Display Using Fur to Represent Different Shades of Color

“A Nonluminous Display Using Fur to Represent Different Shades of Color” by Horishita, Tsutsumi, Sakaguchi and Matsushita

2014 Poster: Khan_A new quantization scheme for HDR two-layer encoding schemes

“A new quantization scheme for HDR two-layer encoding schemes” by Khan

2014 Poster: Patel_A 3D Animation and Effects Framework for Mobile Devices

“A 3D Animation and Effects Framework for Mobile Devices” by Patel, Vinnakota, Deb and Rao

2014 Poster: Ho_3D Dynamic Visualization of Swallowing from Multi-Slice Computed Tomography

“3D Dynamic Visualization of Swallowing from Multi-Slice Computed Tomography” by Ho, Nicosia, Dietsch, Pearson, Rieger, et al. …

2014 Poster: Serera_2D Additive and Dynamic Shadows

“2D Additive and Dynamic Shadows” by Bruneau and Serera

2015 Posters: Schmal_Visualizing Valley Wind Flow

“Visualizing Valley Wind Flow” by Schmal, Thomas, Cushing and Orr

2015 Posters: Brose_Tracking Water Droplets Under Descent and Deformation

“Virtual Headcam: Pan/tilt Mirror-based Facial Performance Tracking” by Yu, Wang, Busch, Phan, McSheery, et al. …

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