“A Video Summarization Technique of Animation Products According to Film Comic Format” by Ishikawa, Okazaki, Kakimoto and Nishita

  • ©Tomokazu Ishikawa, Kento Okazaki, Masanori Kakimoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita

  • ©Tomokazu Ishikawa, Kento Okazaki, Masanori Kakimoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita

  • ©Tomokazu Ishikawa, Kento Okazaki, Masanori Kakimoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita



Entry Number: 07


    A Video Summarization Technique of Animation Products According to Film Comic Format



    This research focuses on the book medium that makes it possi- ble to enjoy anime works called film comics in ”manga” format. Film comics are produced by the time-consuming task of produc- tion editing. Furthermore, we investigated video summaries from anime works that were inspired by comic techniques. In a previ- ous method [Cao et al. 2012], user-specified frames were cut from animation images, leaving only the highly-attractive frames, called keyframes. Meanwhile, the recommended areas were automatically selected based on the four characteristics of the film comics (see Fig. 1). Here, recommended area is the area that should be dis- played inside the comic frame, such as character’s faces and elabo- rately drawn backgrounds.


    1. Cao, Y., Chan, A. B., and Lau, R. 2012. Automatic stylistic manga layout. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia 2012) 31.
    2. Takayama, K., Johan, H., and Nishita, T. 2012. Face detection and face recognition of cartoon characters using feature extraction. In Proc. of Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2012, IEVC 2012.

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©Tomokazu Ishikawa, Kento Okazaki, Masanori Kakimoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita ©Tomokazu Ishikawa, Kento Okazaki, Masanori Kakimoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita


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