“An Unconstrained Tactile Rendering with Tablet Device based on Time-series Haptic Sensing with Bilateral Control” by Wakita and Tanaka

  • ©Wataru Wakita and Hiromi T. Tanaka

  • ©Wataru Wakita and Hiromi T. Tanaka

  • ©Wataru Wakita and Hiromi T. Tanaka



Entry Number: 12


    An Unconstrained Tactile Rendering with Tablet Device based on Time-series Haptic Sensing with Bilateral Control



    In recent years, various tablet devices such as the smartphone and the iPad became used widely. However, user cannot feel the realistic tactile impression when pushing the virtual button key of the tablet device. Therefore, we propose an unconstrained realistic tactile rendering with atablet device, pressure sensors, and vibration speakers based on time-series haptic sensing with bilateral control.


    1. Konyo, M., Yoshida, A., Tadokoro, S., and Saiwaki, N. 2005. A tactile synthesis method using multiple frequency vibration for representing virtual touch. In Proc. IROS2005.
    2. Wakita, W., and Tanaka, H. T. 2013. A real-time sensing and rendering of haptic perception based on bilateral control. In Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Posters, no. 32.


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