2012 Posters Northam Consistent Stylization of Stereoscopic 3D Images 01

“Consistent stylization of stereoscopic 3D images”

2012 Posters: Noel_Coarse Irradiance Estimation using Curvilinear Skeleton

“Coarse irradiance estimation using curvilinear skeleton” by Noël, Chaussard and Biri

2012 Posters: Nakamaru_Distance Aware Ray Tracing for Curves

“Distance aware ray tracing for curves” by Nakamaru, Matsuoka and Fujita

2012 Posters Ukaji Acquiring Shell Textures from a Single Image for Realistic Fur Rendering 01

“Acquiring shell textures from a single image for realistic fur rendering” by Ukaji, Kosaka, Hattori, Kubo and Morishima

2012 Posters New Non rigid Shape Correspondence and Description Using Geodesic Field Estimate Distribution 01

“Non-rigid shape correspondence and description using geodesic field estimate distribution” by New, Mukhopadhyay, Arabnia and Bhandarkar

2012 Posters Yao Acquiring Perceptually Diffuse Shading from General Objects in Actual Scenes 01

“Acquiring perceptually diffuse shading from general objects in actual scenes” by Yao, Kawamura and Kojima

2012 Posters: Rungcharoenpaisel_A Collision Detection Method for High Resolution Objects using Tessellation Unit on GPU

“A collision detection method for high resolution objects using tessellation unit on GPU” by Rungcharoenpaisal and Kanongchaiyos

2012 Posters: Chao_Simplification of Hexahedral Mesh

“Simplification of hexahedral mesh” by Chao, Zhenyu and Jianrong

2012 Posters Kim LiveTree Realistic tree growth simulation tool 01

“LiveTree: realistic tree growth simulation tool” by Kim and Jeong

2012 Posters: Hara_Fast-Automatic 3D Face Generation Using a Single Video Camera

“Fast-automatic 3D face generation using a single video camera” by Kubo, Maejima and Morishima

2012 Posters Morimoto How to Draw Illustrative Figures 01

“How to Draw illustrative Figures?” by Morimoto and Arita

2012 Posters Savoye Iterative Cage based Registration for Dynamic Shape Capture 01

“Iterative Cage-Based Registration for Dynamic Shape Capture” by Savoye

“Improving registration using active shape models and depth” by Bellmore and Canosa

2012 Posters Akagi_A resolution reduction method for multi-resolution 02

“A resolution reduction method for multi-resolution terrain maps” by Akagi, Anada, Koka, Nakayama, Nomaki, et al. …

2012 Posters Yang Tongue Visualization For Specified Speech Task 01

“Tongue visualization for specified speech task” by Yang and Guo

2012 Posters: Istead_Using Motion Capture to Manipulate and Edit Meshes

“Using motion capture to manipulate and edit meshes” by Istead, Eagleson and De Ribaupierre

2012 Posters Li CrowDiffuse Information Diffusion over Crowds with Social Network 01

“CrowDiffuse: information diffusion over crowds with social network” by Le, Hsieh and Lin

2012 Posters: Birklbauer_Light-Field Supported Fast Volume Rendering

“Light-field supported fast volume rendering” by Birklbauer and Bimber

2012 Posters: Barnes_Omnistereo images from ground based Lidar

“Omnistereo images from ground based lidar” by Barnes

2012 Posters Mukai Rupture Simulation of a Bubble with MPS 01

“Rupture simulation of a bubble with MPS” by Mukai, Kagatsume and Nakagawa

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