2005 Poster: Hachisuka Combined Lagrangian Eulerian Approach for Accurate Advection

“Combined Lagrangian-Eulerian approach for accurate advection” by Hachisuka

2005 Poster: Wong System for Simulating Dynamic Features of Crowd Behavior

“System for simulating dynamic features of crowd behavior” by Wong, Thyvetil, Machaira and Loscos

2005 Poster: Ratner Simulating Crowds with Balance Dynamics

“Simulating crowds with balance dynamics” by Brogan and Ratner

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Fine-grained graphics architectural simulation with Qsilver”

2005 Poster: Klein The Expected Running Time of Hierarchical Collision Detection

“The expected running time of hierarchical collision detection” by Klein and Zachmann

2005 Poster: Delgass Parallax Searching and Mesosurface Shadowing

“Parallax searching and mesosurface shadowing” by Delgass and McGhee

2005 Poster: Montemayor Particle Filter on GPUs for Multiple Object Tracking in HCI Applications

“Particle filter on GPUs for multiple object tracking in HCI applications” by Montemayor, Pantrigo, Sánchez and Fernández

2005 Poster: Shirai A new real time video synthesis method for virtual studio environments using GPU and projected screens

“A new real-time video synthesis method for virtual studio environments using GPU and projected screens” by Shirai, Takahashi, Kobayashi, Mitsumine and Richir

2005 Poster: Kim Realtime Loop subdivision on the GPU

“Realtime loop subdivision on the GPU” by Kim and Peters

2005 Poster: Chastine Emphasizing the Area of Interest Using Real Time Shaders

“Emphasizing the area of interest using real-time shaders” by Chastine, Brooks, Zhu, Owen, Harrison, et al. …

2005 Poster: Shirai Development of robotic TV game player using haptic interface and GPU image recognition

“Development of robotic TV game player using haptic interface and GPU image recognition” by Shirai, Takahashi, Miyata, Satoh and Richir

2005 Poster: Schirski Particles with a History Visualizing Flow Fields with GPU based Streamlines

“Particles with a history: visualizing flow fields with GPU-based streamlines” by Schirski, Kuhlen and Bischof

2005 Poster: Forstmann Visualization of large Iso Surfaces based on nested clip boxes

“Visualization of large ISO-Surfaces based on nested clip-boxes” by Forstmann and Ohya

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Advanced data visualization on 3D accelerated PDA’s” by Quinn

2005 Poster: Custer Using 3D Visualization to Enhance Understanding of Computer Network State

“Using 3D visualization to enhance understanding of computer network state” by Custer, Lee and Randwyk

2005 Poster: Mori Automatic Cross Sectioning Using 3D Topology Analysis

“Automatic cross-sectioning using 3D field topology analysis” by Mori, Takahashi, Igarashi, Takeshima and Fujishiro

2005 Poster: Suzuki A Partial Shape Matching Technique for 3D Model Retrieval Systems

“A partial shape matching technique for 3D model retrieval systems” by Suzuki, Yaginuma and Shimizu

2005 Poster: Jiang Robust Automatic Optic Disk Segmentation

“Robust automatic optic disk segmentation” by Jiang, Kwon, Alward and Abramoff

2005 Poster: Ray Discovering Biostructure Constraints using VRML Visualization

“Discovering biostructure constraints using VRML visualization” by Ray and Ozer

2005 Poster: Cofer A 3D Graphics Toolkit for Studying Neural Basis of Adaptive Behaviors

“A 3D graphics toolkit for studying neural basis of adaptive behaviors” by Cofer, Reid, Zhu and Edwards

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