2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Spellbinder: a medium for social interaction in branded city space” by Wright, Stewart and Coyne

2007 Posters: Sugimoto Tiny Dancing Robots: Display Based Computing for Multi Robot Control Systems

“Tiny dancing robots: Display-based computing for multi-robot control systems” by Sugimoto, Tomita, Aruga, Nagaya, Shimizu, et al. …

2007 Poster Barnes NeuroFloat Real time State sensitive Brain SpacesID 01

“NeuroFloat: real-time state-sensitive brain spaces” by Barnes, Song, Lee, Gromala and Shaw

2007 Poster Herbst TimeWarp An Explorative Outdoor Mixed Reality Game 01

“TimeWarp: an explorative outdoor mixed reality game” by Herbst, Ghellah and Braun

2007 Posters: Lee Meshless Visual and Haptic Interactionfrom a Real Time Depth Image

“Meshless visual and haptic interaction from a real-time depth image” by Lee, Kim, Cheng, Park, Ko, et al. …

2007 Posters: Lee Shape and Material Property Modeling with Haptic Interaction

“Shape and material property modeling with haptic interaction” by Lee, Kim, Park and Ryu

2007 Poster Fiala Magic Lens Augmented Reality Table top and Augmentorium 01

“Magic lens augmented reality: table-top and augmentorium” by Fiala and Roth

2007 Posters: Olwal The Audiator: A Device Independent Active Marker for Spatially Aware Displays

“The audiator: a device-independent active marker for spatially aware displays” by Olwal

2007 Posters: Utsugi Perceptual Interaction of Optical BCI Applications ID

“Perceptual interaction of optical BCI applications” by Utsugi, Obata, Sato, Katsura, Sagara, et al. …

2007 Posters: You_MuseSpace: A Touchable 3D Museum with Maximum Usage of Haptics

“MuseSpace: a touchable 3D museum with maximum usage of haptics” by You, Sung, Jun and Lee

2007 Posters: Kuka Applying ‘Second Life’ to a CAVETM like System for the Elaboration of Interaction Methods with Programmable Interfaces

“Applying ‘Second Life’ to a CAVE™-like system for the elaboration of interaction methods with programmable interfaces” by Kuka, Lindinger, Hörtner, Berger and Zachhuber

2007 Posters: Mitobe Development of a High Precision Hand Motion Capture System and an Auto Calibration Method for a Hand Skeleton Model

“Development of a high precision hand motion capture system and an auto calibration method for a hand skeleton model” by Mitobe, Sato, Kaiga, Yukawa, Miura, et al. …

2007 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Clay tone: a music system using clay for user interaction” by Watanabe, Hanzawa and Inakage

2007 Poster Hosokawa Tangible Search System using RFID technology 01

“Tangible search system using RFID technology” by Hosokawa, Shioiri, Narita, Hirano and Kase

2007 Posters: Yonezawa_Gazecoppet: Hierarchical Gaze-communication in Ambient Space

“Gazecoppet: hierarchical gaze-communication in ambient space” by Yonezawa, Yamazoe, Utsumi and Abe

2007 Poster Arakawa Mamagoto “Playing” with food 01

“Mamagoto: “playing” with food” by Arakawa and Inakage

2007 Posters: Watanabe AaahCam: a tool a small child can use to capture and play with images

“AaahCam: a tool a small child can use to capture and play with images” by Watanabe

2007 Poster Amitani A Context Visualiser the Generative Website Project 01

“A context visualiser: the generative website project” by Amitani and Edmonds

2007 Posters: Yoo_A ball type vibro-tactile space mouse using one web camera

“A ball type vibro-tactile space mouse using one web camera” by Yoo, Yong, Back and Jang

2007 Posters: Wu_WikiTUI

“WikiTUI” by Wu and Mazalek

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