2018 Posters: Schuetz_Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds

“Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds” by Schuetz and Wimmer

2018 Posters: Gitlina_Practical Measurement-Based Spectral Rendering of Human Skin

“Practical Measurement-Based Spectral Rendering of Human Skin” by Gitlina, Dhillon, Hansen, Pai and Ghosh

2018 Posters: Toisoul_Practical acquisition and rendering of common spatially varying holographic surfaces

“Practical acquisition and rendering of common spatially varying holographic surfaces” by Toisoul, Dhillon and Ghosh

2018 Posters: Bertel_MegaParallax: 360° Panoramas with Motion Parallax

“MegaParallax: 360° Panoramas with Motion Parallax” by Bertel and Richardt

“Lighting Condition Adaptive Tone Mapping Method” by Han, Khan and Rahardja

2018 Posters: Wang_Improving Incompressible SPH Simulation Efficiency by Integrating Density-Invariant and Divergence-Free Conditions

“Improving Incompressible SPH Simulation Efficiency by Integrating Density-Invariant and Divergence-Free Conditions” by Wang, Lin, Zhao, Wang, Luo, et al. …

2018 Posters: Batra_General Primitives for Smooth Coloring of Vector Graphics

“General Primitives for Smooth Coloring of Vector Graphics” by Batra, Phogat and Kavidayal

2018 Posters: Tokuyoshi_Conservative Z-Prepass for Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers

“Conservative Z-Prepass for Frustum-Traced Irregular Z-Buffers” by Tokuyoshi and Mizokuchi

2018 Posters: Ritz_Automated Acquisition and Real-time Rendering of Spatially Varying Optical Material Behavior

“Automated Acquisition and Real-time Rendering of Spatially Varying Optical Material Behavior” by Ritz, Santos and Fellner

2018 Posters: Terashima_Aerial 3D/2D Composite Display: Depth-Fused 3D for the Central User and 2D for Surrounding Audiences

“Aerial 3D/2D Composite Display: Depth-Fused 3D for the Central User and 2D for Surrounding Audiences” by Terashima, Fujii, Yamamoto, Yasugi, Suyama, et al. …

2018 Posters: Hashiomoto_Aerial 3D Display using a Symmetrical Mirror Structure

“Aerial 3D Display using a Symmetrical Mirror Structure” by Fujiwara and Hamamoto

2018 Posters: Justice_A Process to Create Dynamic Landscape Paintings Using Barycentric Shading with Control Paintings

“A Process to Create Dynamic Landscape Paintings Using Barycentric Shading with Control Paintings” by Justice and Akleman

2018 Posters: Shigeyama_Transcalibur : Dynamic 2D Haptic Shape Illusion of Virtual Object by Weight Moving VR Controller

“Transcalibur : Dynamic 2D Haptic Shape Illusion of Virtual Object by Weight Moving VR Controller” by Shigeyama, Hashimoto, Yoshida, Aoki, Narumi, et al. …

2018 Posters: Tsai_Training Assistant : Strengthen Your Tactical Nous with Proficient Virtual Basketball Players

“Training Assistant : Strengthen Your Tactical Nous with Proficient Virtual Basketball Players” by Tsai and Hu

2018 Posters: Krösl_The Virtual Schoolyard

“The Virtual Schoolyard” by Krösl, Schuster, Felnhofer, Rinnerthaler, Kothgassner, et al. …

2018 Posters: Han_tARget: Limbs Movement Guidance for Learning Physical Activities with a Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display

“tARget: Limbs Movement Guidance for Learning Physical Activities with a Video See-Through Head-Mounted Display” by Han, Lin, Hsieh, Hsu and Hung

2018 Posters: Lin_On-site Example-based Material Appearance Digitization

“On-site Example-based Material Appearance Digitization” by Lin, Peers and Ghosh

2018 Posters: Nakao_Make-a-Face: A Hands-free, Non-Intrusive Device for Tongue/Mouth/Cheek Input Using EMG

“Make-a-Face: A Hands-free, Non-Intrusive Device for Tongue/Mouth/Cheek Input Using EMG” by Nakao, Pai, Isogai, Kimata and Kunze

2018 Posters: Badias_Improving the Realism of Mixed Reality through Physical Simulation

“Improving the Realism of Mixed Reality through Physical Simulation” by Badias, Alfaro, González, Chinesta and Cueto

2018 Posters: Denes_Exploiting the limitations of spatio-temporal vision for more efficient VR rendering

“Exploiting the limitations of spatio-temporal vision for more efficient VR rendering” by Denes, Maruszczyk and Mantiuk

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