“A Process to Create Dynamic Landscape Paintings Using Barycentric Shading with Control Paintings” by Justice and Akleman

  • ©Matthew Justice and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Matthew Justice and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Matthew Justice and Ergun Akleman



Entry Number: 30


    A Process to Create Dynamic Landscape Paintings Using Barycentric Shading with Control Paintings



    In this work, we present a process that use Barycentric shading method to create dynamic landscape paintings that change based on time of the day. Our process can allow creating dynamic paintings for any time of the day using simply a limited number of control paintings. To create a proof of concept, we have used landscape paintings of Edgar Payne, one of the leading landscape painters of the American West. His specific style of painting that blends Impressionism with the style of other painters of the American West is particularly appropriate for the demonstration of the power of our Barycentric shading method.


    • Ergun Akleman, S Liu, and Donald House. 2016. Barycentric shaders: Art directed shading using control images. In Proceedings of Expressive’2016. Eurographics Association, Lizbon, Portugal, 39–49. 
    • Xiaobo An and Fabio Pellacini. 2010. User-Controllable Color Transfer. Computer Graphics Forum 29, 2 (2010), 263–271.


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©Matthew Justice and Ergun Akleman


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