“General Primitives for Smooth Coloring of Vector Graphics” by Batra, Phogat and Kavidayal
Entry Number: 35
- General Primitives for Smooth Coloring of Vector Graphics
We propose a novel and intuitive method for coloring vector graphics which is easy to use and creates richly colored artwork with very little effort. Further, it preserves the underlying geometry of the vector graphic primitives, thereby, making it easy to perform subsequent edits. Our method builds upon the concepts of shape coverage, color and opacity and thus is applicable to all vector graphics constructs including non-convex paths and text. Furthermore, our method is highly performant and provides real-time results irrespective of the number of coloring primitives used.
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- Alexandrina Orzan, Adrien Bousseau, Holger Winnemöller, Pascal Barla, Joëlle Thollot, and David Salesin. 2008. Diffusion Curves: A Vector Representation for Smoothshaded Images. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 3, Article 92 (Aug. 2008), 8 pages. https: //doi.org/10.1145/1360612.1360691
- Timothy Sun, Papoj Thamjaroenporn, and Changxi Zheng. 2014. Fast Multipole Representation of Diffusion Curves and Points. ACM Trans. Graph. 33, 4, Article 53 (July 2014), 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/2601097.2601187