“Make-a-Face: A Hands-free, Non-Intrusive Device for Tongue/Mouth/Cheek Input Using EMG” by Nakao, Pai, Isogai, Kimata and Kunze

  • ©Takuro Nakao, Yun Suen Pai, Megumi Isogai, Hideaki Kimata, and Kai Kunze



Entry Number: 24


    Make-a-Face: A Hands-free, Non-Intrusive Device for Tongue/Mouth/Cheek Input Using EMG



    Current devices aim to be more hands-free by providing users with the means to interact with them using other forms of input, such as voice which can be intrusive. We propose Make-a-Face; a wearable device that allows the user to use tongue, mouth, or cheek gestures via a mask-shaped device that senses muscle movement on the lower half of the face. The significance of this approach is threefold: 1) It allows a more non-intrusive approach to interaction, 2) we designed both the hardware and software from the ground-up to accommodate the sensor electrodes and 3) we proposed several use-case scenarios ranging from smartphones to interactions with virtual reality (VR) content.


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