2021 Posters: Milef_Foveated Monte-Carlo Denoising

“Foveated Monte-Carlo Denoising” by Milef and Kalantari

2021 Posters: Nakamura_Omnidirectional display that presents information to the ambient environment with optical transparency

“Omnidirectional display that presents information to the ambient environment with optical transparency” by Nakamura, Miyazaki, Yoshida and Sato

2021 Posters: Lindig_Creating Crowd Characters Through Procedural Deformation

“Creating Crowd Characters Through Procedural Deformation” by Lindig

2021 Posters: Higuchi_Wide Angular Range Dynamic Projection Mapping Method Applied to the Projection on a Flying Drone.

“Wide Angular Range Dynamic Projection Mapping Method Applied to the Projection on a Flying Drone.” by Higuchi and Oku

2021 Posters: Zhang_Screenshots from Screen Photography

“Screenshots from Screen Photography” by Zhang and Li

2021 Posters: Takahashi_Real-time sports video analysis for video content viewing with haptic information

“Real-time sports video analysis for video content viewing with haptic information” by Takahashi, Azuma, Handa, Ishiwatari, Sano, et al. …

2018 Posters Song: Creative Use of Signal Processing and MARF in ISSv2 and Beyond

“Creative Use of Signal Processing and MARF in ISSv2 and Beyond” by Song, Mokhov, Song and Mudur

2018 Posters: Cirdei_Withering Fruits: Vegetable Matter Decay and Fungus Growth

“Withering Fruits: Vegetable Matter Decay and Fungus Growth” by Cirdei and Anderson

2018 Posters: Branchaud_Visual Microscope for Massive Genomics Datasets, Expanded Perception and Interaction

“Visual Microscope for Massive Genomics Datasets, Expanded Perception and Interaction” by Branchaud, Muskovic, Kavallaris, Filonik and Bednarz

2018 Posters: Saouli_Towards a Stochastic Depth maps Estimation for Textureless and Quite Specular Surfaces

“Towards a Stochastic Depth maps Estimation for Textureless and Quite Specular Surfaces” by Saouli and Babahenini

2018 Posters: Cao_Skin+

“Skin+” by Cao, Saraiji and Minamizawa

2018 Posters: Huang_Simulation of Emergent Rippling on Growing Thin-Shells

“Simulation of Emergent Rippling on Growing Thin-Shells” by Huang and Stavness

2018 Posters: Natsume_RSGAN: Face Swapping and Editing using Face and Hair Representation in Latent Spaces

“RSGAN: Face Swapping and Editing using Face and Hair Representation in Latent Spaces” by Natsume, Yatagawa and Morishima

2018 Posters: Chen_Large-scale Fabrication with Interior Zometool Structure

“Large-scale Fabrication with Interior Zometool Structure” by Chen, Shen, Hunag and Chen

2018 Posters: Kim_Interactive Dance Performance Evaluation using Timing and Accuracy Similarity

“Interactive Dance Performance Evaluation using Timing and Accuracy Similarity” by Kim and Kim

2018 Posters: Men_Improving Regularity of the Centoridal Voronoi Tessellation

“Improving Regularity of the Centoridal Voronoi Tessellation” by Men, Shen, Khan and Yan

2018 Posters: Stinghen_Gesture Recognition Using Leap Motion: A Comparison Between Machine Learning Algorithms

“Gesture Recognition Using Leap Motion: A Comparison Between Machine Learning Algorithms” by Filho, Chen, Junior and Barboza

2018 Posters: QI_From Visible to Printable: Thin Surface with Implicit Interior Structures

“From Visible to Printable: Thin Surface with Implicit Interior Structures” by QI and LI

2018 Posters: Suzuki_Food Texture Manipulation by Face Deformation

“Food Texture Manipulation by Face Deformation” by Suzuki, Shigeyama, Yoshida, Narumi, Tanikawa, et al. …

2018 Posters: Mukai_Evaluation of Stretched Thread Lengths in Spinnability Simulations

“Evaluation of Stretched Thread Lengths in Spinnability Simulations” by Mukai, Nishikawa and Chang

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