1981 B Course Cover Intro Computer Aided Design

“Introduction to CAD” by Herzog, Hellman, Weisberg, Hanratty, Riedlinger, et al. …

1981 A Course Cover Intro Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Beatty, Booth, Matthies and Wein

1995 32 Cover Interactive Walkthrough of Large Geometric Datab

“Interactive Walkthrough of Large Geometric Databases” by Brechner, Funkhouser, Greene, Helman and Rossignac

1995 31 Cover Perception Based Visualization

“Perception-Based Visualization” by Levkowitz, Eick and Rheingans

1995 29 Cover Visualizing Mathematics

“Visualizing Mathematics” by Banks, Blinn, Kim, Max and Munzner

1995 28 Cover Visualizing and Examining Large Scientific Datas

“Visualizing and Examining Large Scientific Datas” by Rhyne, Hibbard, Hussey and Treinish

1995 25 Cover Computer Vision for Computer Graphics

“Computer Vision for Computer Graphics” by Carlbom, Freeman, Klinker, Lorensen, Szeliski, et al. …

1995 24 Cover Introduction to Curves and Surfaces

“Introduction to Curves and Surfaces” by Rockwood and Hagen

1995 23 Cover Practical 3D User Interface Design

“Practical 3D User Interface Design” by Robbins, Isaacs, Mathews, Mine, Ormandy, et al. …

1979 C Course Cover Intro Raster Graphics

“Introduction to Raster Graphics” Chaired by James (Jim) D. Foley

1979 E Course Cover Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” Chaired by Kellogg S. Booth

1995 22 Cover Graphic Design for Usable GUls

“Graphic Design for Usable GUls” Chaired by Aaron Marcus

1995 21 Cover Introduction to Comptuer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Bailey, Glassner and Wenner

1995 20 Cover From Start up to Success Strategic Marketing of Technology Products

“From Start up to Success: Strategic Marketing of Technology Products” by Nickel and Halliwell

1995 19 Cover Programming Open Inventor An Obiect Oriented OpenGL Toolkit

“Programming Open Inventor: An Obiect Oriented OpenGL Toolkit” by Mott, Enderton, Gregory, Heck, Strauss, et al. …

1995 18 Cover Programming OpenGL with X

“Programming OpenGL with X” by Kilgard

1995 16 Cover Intro to Video and Audio Compression Techniques

“Intro to Video and Audio Compression Techniques” by Daniel, Bailey, Cook and Jawerth

1995 15 Cover Making Multimedia From Vaporware to Goldrush

“Making Multimedia: From Vaporware to Goldrush” by Elson, Blakeley, Geagley, Johnson and Schick

1995 14 Cover Practical Guide to Recording Video Animation fro

“Practical Guide to Recording Video Animation from Computer Graphics” by Judd, Costigan, Gaunt, Mareda and Martinez

1995 13 Cover Electronic Publishing an CD ROM

“Electronic Publishing an CD-ROM” by Cunningham, Langer, Rosebush and Volotta

1 48 49 50 51 52 68