“Graphic Design for Usable GUls” Chaired by Aaron Marcus

  • ©Aaron Marcus, John Armitage, Wolfgang (USA) Heidrich, and Volker Frank



Entry Number: 22


    Graphic Design for Usable GUls

Course Organizer(s):




    The tutorial will introduce terminology, principles, guidelines, and heuristics for using information-oriented, systematic graphic design in graphical user interfaces (GUIs), especially for the design of icons, dialogue boxes and control panels, metaphors, mental models, and other navigational devices that often are not prescribed by window management systems. 

    Participants will be exposed to a wide body of existing knowledge and practical advice that are immediately useful, as well as potential research topics in user interface design. They will observe and analyze techniques for making displays more intelligible, functional, aesthetic, and marketable. 

    Extensively illustrated lectures and demo excerpts will cover perceptual, conceptual, and communication issues in typography, symbol systems, color, spatial composition, animation, and sequencing, including the design of the following: 

    Metaphors, Charts and diagrams, Mental models and navigation, Icons and cursors, Look and feel, Windows and menus, Proportion and composition: grids, Dialogue boxes/control panels, Color selection, Visual semiotics conventions, Tables and forms, and Style guides.

    Practical pen-and-paper design problems with critical review and commentary by the instructor will give participants experience in designing components of graphical user interfaces, such icons, dialogue boxes, and metaphors.  


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: