2000 26 Course Cover Motion Editing Principles Practice and Promise

“Motion Editing: Principles, Practice, and Promise” by Gleicher, Grassia, Popovic, Rosenthal and Thingvold

2000 25 Course Cover Simulating Nature From Theory to Practice

“Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice” by Ebert, Musgrave, Prusinkiewicz, Stam and Tessendorf

2000 24 Course Cover Smart Animated Agents

“Smart Animated Agents” by Badler, Funge, Blumberg, Cassell and Rickel

2000 23 Course Cover Subdivision for Modeling and Animation

“Subdivision for Modeling and Animation” by Zorin, Schröder, DeRose, Kobbelt, Sweldens, et al. …

2000 22 Course Cover Introduction to Computer Graphics

“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Bailey, Glassner and Lathrop

2000 21 Course Cover Color Science and Color Management for CGI and Film

“Color Science and Color Management for CGI and Film” by Poynton, Bourgoin, LeHoty, Ramamurthy and Stone

2000 20 Course Cover Modeling for Medical Applications

“Modeling for Medical Applications” by Metaxas, Ayache, Duncan, Kikinis, Magnenat-Thalmann, et al. …

2000 19 Course Cover 3D Photography

“3D Photography” by Curless, Seitz, Bouguet, Levoy, Nayar, et al. …

2000 18 Course Cover Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets

“Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets” by Aliaga, Manocha, Cohen, Kumar, Funkhouser, et al. …

2000 17 Course Cover An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

“An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming” by Shreiner, Angel and Shreiner

2000 16 Course Cover Image Based Surface Details

“Image-Based Surface Details” by Yu, Dana, Marschner, Premoze, Rushmeier, et al. …

2000 15 Course Cover Migrating to an Object Oriented Graphics API

“Migrating to an Object-Oriented Graphics API” by Ghali, Blythe, Kettner and Sowizral

2000 14 Course Cover Stuart Little A Tale of Fur Costumes Performances and Integration

“”Stuart Little:” A Tale of Fur, Costumes, Performances, and Integration: Breathing Real Life Into a Digital Character” by Berney, Redd, Anderson, Chen, Dykstra, et al. …

2000 13 Course Cover Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments

“Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments” by Bartz, Schneider and Silva

2000 12 Course Cover Obtaining 3D Models with a Hand Held Camera

“Obtaining 3D Models with a Hand-Held Camera” by Pollefeys

2000 11 Course Cover Visual Curves and Surfaces A Non Technical Approach

“Visual Curves and Surfaces: A Non-Technical Approach” by Rockwood

2000 10 Course Cover A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics

“A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics” by Stone

2000 09 Course Cover Visualizing Quaternions

“Visualizing Quaternions” by Hanson

2000 08 Course Cover A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Maps

“A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Maps” by Jensen and Christensen

2000 06 Course Cover Developing Efficient Graphics Software

“Developing Efficient Graphics Software” by Cok, Corron, Kuehne and True

1 36 37 38 39 40 68