“”Stuart Little:” A Tale of Fur, Costumes, Performances, and Integration: Breathing Real Life Into a Digital Character” by Berney, Redd, Anderson, Chen, Dykstra, et al. …

  • ©Jim Berney, Jay K. Redd, Henry Anderson, Jerome Chen, John Dykstra, and Scott Stokdyk



Entry Number: 14


    "Stuart Little:" A Tale of Fur, Costumes, Performances, and Integration: Breathing Real Life Into a Digital Character

Course Organizer(s):



    An intermediate understanding of 3D and 2D graphics production techniques. Interest in research and development methods, photo-real character integration, cloth and dynamics, procedural shading, lighting design, and sophisticated feature-film production methods. 

    Research and development methods, character design, creation of real-world elements such as CG costuming and cloth dynamics, furring, shader development, character acting, CG and physical effects, match-moving, final integration, pipeline, and production methods. Also: integration of proprietary tools with third-party software, continuous development during production, and data management.

    An in-depth, exclusive look into the creation of “Stuart Little”, a live-action film with an all-digital, fully articulated leading character. Stuart’s creators explored conceptualization, design, research, and development of photo-real fur, costuming, and animation set-up, as well as physical effects, CG lighting, compositing, and final delivery of over 500 shots of varying difficulty. Attendees learned how these techniques are applied in a real-world computer graphics production. 


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