“Smart Animated Agents” by Badler, Funge, Blumberg, Cassell and Rickel

  • ©Norman J. Badler, John Funge, Bruce M. Blumberg, Justine Cassell, and Jeff Rickel



Entry Number: 24


    Smart Animated Agents

Course Organizer(s):



    Experience with graphics, and/or particular application areas. Some experience with graphical modeling and animating human-like figures recommended but not essential. 

    Actions required for animated agents (faces, arms, legs, and eyes), knowledge and action representation, common sense and logical reasoning, agent architectures, learning, smart conversations, agents for pedagogical interaction, managing multi-agent interactions, and language and gesture as control modalities.

    As real-time characters become almost commonplace, the next challenge is to make them interact with humans through the modalities that we share among real people, especially language, gesture, and shared perceptions of the world. This course explored several ways to give real-time, animated, embodied characters more intelligence and communication skills so they can act, react, make decisions, and take initiatives. It also addressed how these skills can be applied in collaborative groups, interactive training, and smarter games. 


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: