2001 21 Course Cover Seeing is Believing

“Seeing is Believing: Reality Perception in Modeling, Rendering, and Animation” by Chalmers, McNamara, Daly, Myszkowski, Rushmeier, et al. …

2001 20 Course Cover Advanced Global Illumination

“Advanced Global Illumination” by Dutré, Bala and Bekaert

2001 19 Course Cover Shrek The Story Behind the Screen

“‘Shrek’: The Story Behind the Screen” by Falk, Sande, Adamson, Bielenberg, Bruder, et al. …

2001 18 Course Cover Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems

“Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems” by Blinn

2001 17 Course Cover Geometric Signal Processing on Large Polygonal Meshes

“Geometric Signal Processing on Large Polygonal Meshes” by Kobbelt and Taubin

2001 16 Course Cover Gaming Techniques for Designing Compelling Virtual Worlds

“Gaming Techniques for Designing Compelling Virtual Worlds” by Capps, Bernier, Bleszinski, Caudle and Schell

2001 15 Course Cover Visualizing Relativity

“Visualizing Relativity” by Hanson and Weiskopf

2001 14 Course Cover Image Based Lighting

“Image-Based Lighting” by Debevec and Lemmon

2001 13 Course Cover Interactive Ray Tracing

“Interactive Ray-Tracing” by Slusallek, Parker, Reinhard, Pfister and Purcell

2001 12 Course Cover Developing Efficient Graphics Software

“Developing Efficient Graphics Software” by Cok and True

2001 11 Course Cover Tracking Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought

“Tracking: Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought” by Bishop, Welch and Allen

2001 10 Course Cover State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection

“State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection” by Ashikhmin, Shirley, Marschner and Stam

2001 09 Course Cover Media Rich Programming with OpenML

“Media-Rich Programming With OpenML” by Rost, Belley, Bernard and Clifford

2001 08 Course Cover An Introduction to the Kalman Filter

“An Introduction to the Kalman Filter” by Welch and Bishop

2001 07 Course Cover A Primer on Shapes Curves and Surfaces

“A Primer on Shapes: Curves and Surfaces” by Goshtasby, Rockwood and Terzopoulos

2001 06 Course Cover Object Space Visibility

“Object Space Visibility” by Ghali

2001 05 Course Cover Visualizing Quaternions

“Visualizing Quaternions” by Hanson

2001 04 Course Cover A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics

“A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics” by Stone

2001 03 Course Cover Performance OpenGL Platform Independent Techniques

“Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques” by Shreiner

2001 02 Course Cover Obtaining 3D Models with a Hand Held Camera

“Obtaining 3D Models With a Hand-Held Camera” by Pollefeys

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