2009 22 Realistic Human Body Movement for Emotional Expressiveness

“Realistic Human Body Movement for Emotional Expressiveness” by Hertzmann, O’Sullivan and Perlin

2009 02 The Making of Shade Recovered Networked Senses at Play

“The Making of “Shade Recovered”: Networked Senses at Play”

2009 21 Scattering

“Scattering” by Narasimhan, Donner, Jarosz and Gutierrez

2009 20 The Digital Emily Project Photoreal Facial Modeling and Animation

“The Digital Emily Project: Photoreal Facial Modeling and Animation” by Debevec, Alexander, Rogers and Chiang

2009 19 Beyond Programmable Shading II

“Beyond Programmable Shading II” by Lefohn, Houston, Hensley, Lalonde, Fatahalian, et al. …

2009 18 Visual Perception of 3D Shape

“Visual Perception of 3D Shape” by Fleming and Singh

2009 17 Beyond Programmable Shading I

“Beyond Programmable Shading I” by Lefohn, Houston, Fatahalian and Foley

2009 16 Next Billion Cameras

“Next Billion Cameras” by Efros, Raskar and Seitz

2009 15 Advanced Illumination Techniques for GPU Volume Raycasting

“Advanced Illumination Techniques for GPU Volume Raycasting” by Hadwiger, Ljung, Ropinski and Rezk-Salama

2009 14 Efficient Substitutes for Subdivision Surfaces

“Efficient Substitutes for Subdivision Surfaces” by Verma, Schneider, Mitchell, Castaño, Peters, et al. …

2009 13 Interactive Sound Rendering

“Interactive Sound Rendering” by Tsingos, Savioja, Calamia, Lin and Manocha

2009 12 Build Your Own 3D Scanner 3D Photography for Beginners

“Build Your Own 3D Scanner: 3D Photography for Beginners” by Lanman and Taubin

2009 11 Point Based Graphics - State of the Art and Recent Advances

“Point Based Graphics – State of the Art and Recent Advances” by Gross

2009 10 Creating New Interfaces for Musical Expression

“Creating New Interfaces for Musical Expression” by Fels and Lyons

2009 09 Color Imaging

“Color Imaging” by Reinhard, Ward and Johnson

2009 08 An Introduction to Shader-Based OpenGL Programming

“An Introduction to Shader-Based OpenGL Programming” by Angel and Shreiner

2009 07 Acquisition of Optically Complex Objects and Phenomena

“Acquisition of Optically Complex Objects and Phenomena” by Ihrke and Heidrich

2009 06 Real-Time Global Illumination for Dynamic Scenes

“Real-Time Global Illumination for Dynamic Scenes” by Kautz and Dachsbacher

2009 05 The Whys, How Tos, and Pitfalls of User Studies

“The Whys, How Tos, and Pitfalls of User Studies” by Sundstedt, Whitton and Bloj

2009 04 Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games II

“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games II” by Tatarchuk

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