“Interactive Sound Rendering” by Tsingos, Savioja, Calamia, Lin and Manocha
Entry Number: 13
- Interactive Sound Rendering
An overview of algorithmic and software technologies related to interactive sound rendering. The course lectures cover three main topics: physically based techniques to synthesize sounds generated from colliding objects or liquid sounds, efficient computation of sound propagation paths based on reflection or diffraction paths and converting those paths into audible sound, exploiting the computational capabilities of current multi-core commodity processors for real-time sound propagation and sound rendering for gaming and interactive applications. The presentations include audio demonstrations that show the meaning of various processing components in practice.
An overview of algorithmic and software technologies related to interactive sound rendering. The course lectures cover three main topics: physically based techniques to synthesize sounds generated from colliding objects or liquid sounds, efficient computation of sound propagation paths based on reflection or diffraction paths and converting those paths into audible sound, exploiting the computational capabilities of current multi-core commodity processors for real-time sound propagation and sound rendering for gaming and interactive applications. The presentations include audio demonstrations that show the meaning of various processing components in practice.
Level: Introductory