Tiago Sousa

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Crytek GmbH, Graphics Engineer

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Id Software


  • SIGGRAPH 2011

    Tiago Sousa is Crytek’s Principal R&D Graphics Engineer, where he has worked for past 8 years, on all Crytek numerous demos, shipped game titles and engines, including Far Cry, Crysis and more recently finished Crysis 2 – Crytek’s first multiplatform game. He is a self-taught graphics programmer, who before joining Crytek army on the cause of world domination, cofounded a pioneering game development team in Portugal and very briefly studied computer science at Instituto Superior Tecnico, which he still has hopes to finish one day.  

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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