Steve T. Bryson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • NASA AMES Research Center, Research Scientist

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Computer Science Corporation
  • MRJ Technology Solutions


  • SIGGRAPH 1997

    Steve Bryson is a research scientist with MRJ Technology Solutions, working under contract for the Data Analysis Branch of the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Systems Division at NASA  Ames Research Center. He does research in the application of Virtual reality techniques for scientific Visualization, of which the Virtual windtunnel is the main focus. Steve Bryson started in the virtual reality field in 1984 at VPL Research , working on a graphics based programming environment using the prototype dataglove for input. Later he was involved in work on the Dataglove model II. Mr Bryson then joined Scott Fisher’s VIEW lab at NASA Ames Research Center in 1987, where he was involved in integrating the various I/O and graphics systems into a virtual environment. This included research in software architectures for virtual reality systems and human factors. Mr. Bryson has served on the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development. He was co-chair of the IEEE  Symposium on Research Frontiers m Virtual Reality, program co-chair of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium ’95, and general chair of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium ’96. 

    SIGGRAPH 1994

    Steve Bryson is an employee of Computer Sciences Corporation working under contract for the Applied Research Office of the Numerical Aerodynamics Simulation Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center. In this position he is researching the use of virtual environment technology in various fields of scientific visualization, primarily the visualization of fluid flow. Prior to this position, he worked at the NASA Ames VIEW lab developing the first fully integrated virtual environment facility. Prior to that he was one of the original employees at VPL Research, Inc., a small company devoted to the development of virtual environment technology. He is program co-chair of the IEEE 1995 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. Steve Bryson’s formal training is in mathematical physics, and he is most interested in virtual reality as a way to express abstract concepts and understand the real physical world. He currently teaches popular adult and children’s classes in theoretical physics at the California Academy of Sciences. He is an active amateur musician, and has written sound tracks for sky shows at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium.  

    SIGGRAPH 1992

    Steve Bryson is an employee of Computer Sciences Corporation working under contract for the Applied Research Office of the Numerical Aerodynamics Simulation Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center. In this position he is researching the use of virtual environment technology in various fields of scientific visualization, primarily the visualization of fluid flow. Prior to this position, he worked at the NASA Ames VIEW lab developing the first fully integrated virtual environment facility. Prior to that he was one of the original employees at VPL Research Inc., a small company devoted to the development of virtual environment technology.

    Steve Bryson’s formal training is in mathematical physics. and he is most interested in virtual reality as a way to express abstract concepts and understand the real physical world. He currently teaches popular adult and children’s classes in theoretical physics at the California Academy of Sciences. He is an active amateur musician, and has written soundtracks for sky shows at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium.  


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