“The Future of Virtual Reality: Head-Mounted Displays Versus Spatially immersive Displays” Moderated by Ed Lantz

  • ©David Bennett, Bertrand De La Chapelle, David Zeltzer, Steve T. Bryson, and Mark T. Bolas



Entry Number: 01


    The Future of Virtual Reality: Head-Mounted Displays Versus Spatially immersive Displays




    The head-mounted display (HMD) is the de facto display device for “true” virtual reality (VR) systems. However, walk-in spatially immersive displays (SIDs) such as CAVE and domed projection environments promise to challenge the HM D’s role in VR display. This panel compares the ultimate utility of HMDs and SIDs in various VR applications. Issues include user mobility, single- and multi-user interactivity, stereoscopic viewing, applicability to augmented reality, visual quality, viewer fatigue, and sense of presence. 

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