“The Future of Window Systems” Moderated by David S. H. Rosenthal

  • ©John Butler, James Gettys, Brad A. Myers, and Larry Tesler



Entry Number: 02


    The Future of Window Systems



Additional Information:

    Window systems have become a part of life for users and programmers of both PCs and workstations. But both have to live with systems that are often complex and incompatible with one another. The complexity of the user interface appears in the number of options expressing the user’s preferences, and the incompatibility in the differences both between systems and between applications in one system. The complexity of the programmer interface appears in huge manuals and libraries, and the incompatibilities are evident to anyone trying to port applications between window systems.
    A panel of window system developers and standards representatives address the questions of whether the complexities and incompatibilities are inevitable, and what is being done to reduce them.

Overview Page: