Scott Watson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Walt Disney Imagineering, _Director


  • SIGGRAPH 1997

    Scott Watson (Lecturer) is Walt Disney lmagineering’s VR Studio Technology Director and Creative Technology’s Chief Computer Scientist Scott has worked with computers since he was a kid. In his college days, Scott wrote multi-taskmg OSs, device drivers, cross compilers and RF communications stacks as a day job. Upon joining Disney’s R&D department, his first assignment was to write the control software for the “Indiana Jones Ride Vehicle”. An eclectic spectrum of projects has followed Examples range from creating audio and image processing technology for theme-park films to helping design a computer keyboard for dolphins. Since the beginning of Disney’s exploration of Virtual Reality, Scott has been at the heart of the technology and is the principal designer of the “Disney*Vision Player”. Disney*Vision is an interactive VR story development system that supports real-time Disney quality animation and the SAL scripting language.  

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Scott Watson is Walt Disney Imagineering’s VR Studio Technology Director. Scott started programming at 9 years of age. In 5th grade, IBM loaned him their first portable (75lbs) computer,  the 5100 in exchange for writing games and demos to show it off. In his college days, when 8-  bit machines were all the rage, Scott wrote multi-tasking OSes, device drivers, cross compilers and RF communications stacks as a day job. His free time was dedicated to his band “The  Loved Ones” and Fanzine, “The Pig Paper.”

    Upon joining Disney’s R&D department, his first assignment was to write the control software for the “Indiana Jones Ride Vehicle.” An eclectic spectrum of projects has followed. Examples range from creating audio and image processing technology for theme-park films to helping design a computer keyboard for dolphins. For several years “” was the machine on his desk. Since the beginning of Disney’s exploration of Virtual Reality, Scott has been at the  heart of the technology and is the principal designer of the “Disney*Vision Player.” Disney*Vision is an interactive VR story development system that supports real-time Disney quality character animation and the SAL scripting language. Scott holds several patents and is an avid fan of The Monkees.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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