Philippe Tarbouriech

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  • San Mateo, California, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 1996

    Philippe Tarbouriech works in Electronic Arts as a member of the Advanced Technology Group. He manages the conversion of ShockWave to Playstation and PC while working on  other projects. He was the software designer, aerial photographer and one of the game design- ers of the original ShockWave on 3DO. Prior to joining Electronic Arts, he worked in diverse  unfit startup companies. His interests include evolution. He holds a M.S. in electrical engineer- ing and computer science from ENSEA (France).  

    SIGGRAPH 1995

    Philippe Tarbouriech works in Electronic Arts as a member of the Advanced Technology Group. He manages the conversion of ShockWave to Playstation and PC while working on  other projects. He was the software designer, aerial photographer and one of the game designers of the original ShockWave on 3DO. Prior to joining Electronic Arts, he worked in diverse unfit startup companies. His interests include evolution. He holds a M.S. in electrical engineering and computer science from ENSEA (France).


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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