“Designing Real Time 3D Graphics for Entertainment” by Helman, Clay, Hoffman, Johnston, Jones, et al. …
Entry Number: 06
- Designing Real Time 3D Graphics for Entertainment
Course Organizer(s):
Using examples from actual games, theme attractions, graphics hardware and software toolkits, this course reviews real-time graphics in the design and construction of leading-edge theme parks and location-based entertainment systems. The focus is on graphics from hardware through artistic content. The course has two components. The first part covers the methods available to make the best use of current workstation-level graphics technology for high-quality, real-time renderings. The topics include hardware and software architectures, multiprocessing, graphics optimization, database tuning and tricks of the trade from visual simulation. In the second part, developers discuss the use of those techniques as one component in creating interactive 3D experiences, whether for home game consoles or for location-based entertainment or theme park installations. The topics covered include tools and methods for content generation, software frameworks, database modeling, programming and game design.
Contents/Schedule PDF:
Contributed By:
- Mary Whitton
- Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota