2005 Technical Paper: Wang_Real-Time Rendering of Plant Leaves

“Real-time rendering of plant leaves” by Wang, Wang, Dorsey, Yang, Guo, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Ijiri_Floral diagrams and inflorescences: Interactive flower modeling using botanical structural constraints

“Floral diagrams and inflorescences: interactive flower modeling using botanical structural constraints” by Ijiri, Owada, Okabe and Igarashi

2005 Technical Paper: Runions_Modeling and visualization of leaf venation patterns

“Modeling and visualization of leaf venation patterns” by Runions, Fuhrer, Lane, Federl, Rolland-Lagan, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Matusik_Texture Design Using a Simplicial Complex of Morphable Textures

“Texture design using a simplicial complex of morphable textures” by Matusik, Zwicker and Durand

2005 Technical Paper: Zordan_Dynamic Response for Motion Capture Animation

“Dynamic response for motion capture animation” by Zordan, Majkowska, Chiu and Fast

2005 Technical Paper: Lefebvre_Parallel Controllable Texture Synthesis

“Parallel controllable texture synthesis” by Lefebvre and Hoppe

2005 Technical Paper: Wilburn_High Performance Imaging Using Large Camera Arrays

“High performance imaging using large camera arrays” by Wilburn, Joshi, Vaish, Talvala, Antunez, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Performance-relighting-and-reflectance

“Performance relighting and reflectance transformation with time-multiplexed illumination” by Wenger, Gardner, Tchou, Unger, Hawkins, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Sen_Dual Photography

“Dual photography” by Sen, Chen, Garg, Marschner, Horowitz, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Wei_Modeling Hair from Multiple Views

“Modeling hair from multiple views” by Wei, Ofek, Quan and Shum

2005 Technical Paper: Agarwala_Panoramic Video Textures

“Panoramic video textures” by Agarwala, Zheng, Pal, Agrawala, Cohen, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Hawkins_Acquisition of Time Varying Participating Media

“Acquisition of time-varying participating media” by Hawkins, Einarsson and Debevec

2005 Technical Paper: Kwatra_Texture Optimization for Example-based Synthesis

“Texture optimization for example-based synthesis” by Bobick, Kwatra, Essa and Kwatra

2005 Technical Paper: Cook_Wavelet Noise

“Wavelet noise” by Cook and DeRose

2005 Technical Paper: Borgeat_GoLD: Interactive Display of Huge Colored and Textured Models

“GoLD: interactive display of huge colored and textured models” by Borgeat, Godin, Blais, Massicotte and Lahanier

2005 Technical Paper: Sun_Image Completion with Struture Propagation

“Image completion with structure propagation” by Sun, Yuan, Jia and Shum

2005 Technical Paper: Bennett_Video Enhancement Using Per-Pixel Virtual Exposures

“Video enhancement using per-pixel virtual exposures” by Bennett and McMillan

2005 Technical Paper: Chuang_Animating Pictures with Stochastic Motion Textures

“Animating pictures with stochastic motion textures” by Chuang, Goldman, Zheng, Curless, Salesin, et al. …

2005 Technical Paper: Li_Compressing and Companding High Dynamic Range Images with Subband Architectures

“Compressing and companding high dynamic range images with subband architectures” by Li, Sharan and Adelson

2005 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“A vortex particle method for smoke, water and explosions” by Selle, Rasmussen and Fedkiw

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