“Dynamic response for motion capture animation” by Zordan, Majkowska, Chiu and Fast

  • ©Victor Brian Zordan, Anna Majkowska, Bill Chiu, and Matthew Fast




    Dynamic response for motion capture animation



    Human motion capture embeds rich detail and style which is difficult to generate with competing animation synthesis technologies. However, such recorded data requires principled means for creating responses in unpredicted situations, for example reactions immediately following impact. This paper introduces a novel technique for incorporating unexpected impacts into a motion capture-driven animation system through the combination of a physical simulation which responds to contact forces and a specialized search routine which determines the best plausible re-entry into motion library playback following the impact. Using an actuated dynamic model, our system generates a physics-based response while connecting motion capture segments. Our method allows characters to respond to unexpected changes in the environment based on the specific dynamic effects of a given contact while also taking advantage of the realistic movement made available through motion capture. We show the results of our system under various conditions and with varying responses using martial arts motion capture as a testbed.


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