2019 Technical Paper: WANG_Hand Modeling and Simulation Using Stabilized Magnetic Resonance Imaging

“Hand modeling and simulation using stabilized magnetic resonance imaging” by Wang, Matcuk and Barbic

2018 Technical Paper: ALDERIGHI_Metamolds: Computational Design of Silicone Molds

“Metamolds: computational design of silicone molds” by Alderighi, Malomo, Giorgi, Pietroni, Bickel, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: LIU_NeuroSkinning: Automatic Skin Binding for Production Characters with Deep Graph Networks

“NeuroSkinning: automatic skin binding for production characters with deep graph networks” by Liu, Zheng, Tang, Yuan, Fan, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: LE_Direct Delta Mush Skinning and Variants

“Direct delta mush skinning and variants” by Le and Lewis

2019 Technical Paper: MAIA_LayerCode: Optical Barcodes for 3D Printed Shapes

“LayerCode: optical barcodes for 3D printed shapes” by Maia, Li, Yang and Zheng

2019 Technical Paper: SUMIN_Geometry-Aware Scattering Compensation for 3D Printing

“Geometry-aware scattering compensation for 3D printing” by Sumin, Rittig, Babaei, Nindel, Wilkie, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: ALDERIGHI_Volume-Aware Design of Composite Molds

“Volume-aware design of composite molds” by Alderighi, Malomo, Giorgi, Bickel, Cignoni, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: SKOURAS_Computational Design of Fabric Formwork

“Computational design of fabric formwork” by Zhang, Fang, Skouras, Gieseler, Wang, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: KANG_Interactive and Automatic Navigation for 360◦ Video Playback

“Interactive and automatic navigation for 360° video playback” by Kang and Cho

2019 Technical Paper: JAMRIŠKA_Stylizing Video by Example

“Stylizing video by example” by Jamriška, Sochorová, Texler, Lukáč, Fišer, et al. …

2018 Technical Paper: ZHAO_DSCarver: Decompose-and Spiral-Carve for Subtractive Manufacturing

“DSCarver: decompose-and-spiral-carve for subtractive manufacturing” by Zhang, Zhang, Xin, Deng, Tu, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: HUANG_Tensor Maps for Synchronizing Heterogeneous Shape Collections

“Tensor maps for synchronizing heterogeneous shape collections” by Huang, Liang, Wang, Zuo and Bajaj

2019 Technical Paper: LIU_Spectral Coarsening of Geometric Operators

“Spectral coarsening of geometric operators” by Liu, Jacobson and Ovsjanikov

2019 Technical Paper: WANG_RedMax: E!icient & Flexible Approach for Articulated Dynamics

“RedMax: efficient & flexible approach for articulated dynamics” by Wang, Weidner, Baxter, Hwang, Kaufman, et al. …

2019 Technical Paper: ZIMMERMANN_PuppetMaster: Robotic Animation of Marionettes

“PuppetMaster: robotic animation of marionettes” by Zimmermann, Poranne, Bern and Coros

2019 Technical Paper: HOSHYARI_Vibration-Minimizing Motion Retargeting for Robotic Characters

“Vibration-minimizing motion retargeting for robotic characters” by Hoshyari, Xu, Knoop, Coros and Bächer

2019 Technical Paper: CICCONE_Tangent-Space Optimization for Interactive Animation Control

“Tangent-space optimization for interactive animation control” by Ciccone, Öztireli and Sumner

2018 Technical Paper: POMS_Scanner: Efficient Video Analysis at Scale

“Scanner: efficient video analysis at scale” by Poms, Crichton, Hanrahan and Fatahalian

2019 Technical Paper: XIAO_Vidgets: Modular Mechanical Widgets for Mobile Devices

“Vidgets: modular mechanical widgets for mobile devices” by Xiao, Bayer, Zheng and Nayar

2019 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Foveated AR: dynamically-foveated augmented reality display” by Kim, Jeong, Stengel, Akşit, Albert, et al. …

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