“Stylizing video by example” by Jamriška, Sochorová, Texler, Lukáč, Fišer, et al. …

  • ©Ondřej Jamriška, Šárka Sochorová, Ondřej Texler, Michal Lukáč, Jakub Fišer, Jingwan Lu, and Daniel Sýkora




    Stylizing video by example

Session/Category Title:   Video



    We introduce a new example-based approach to video stylization, with a focus on preserving the visual quality of the style, user controllability and applicability to arbitrary video. Our method gets as input one or more keyframes that the artist chooses to stylize with standard painting tools. It then automatically propagates the stylization to the rest of the sequence. To facilitate this while preserving visual quality, we developed a new type of guidance for state-of-art patch-based synthesis, that can be applied to any type of video content and does not require any additional information besides the video itself and a user-specified mask of the region to be stylized. We further show a temporal blending approach for interpolating style between keyframes that preserves texture coherence, contrast and high frequency details. We evaluate our method on various scenes from real production setting and provide a thorough comparison with prior art.


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