“Tensor maps for synchronizing heterogeneous shape collections” by Huang, Liang, Wang, Zuo and Bajaj

  • ©Qixing Huang, Zhenxiao Liang, Haoyun Wang, Simiao Zuo, and Chandrajit Bajaj




    Tensor maps for synchronizing heterogeneous shape collections

Session/Category Title:   Maps and Operators



    Establishing high-quality correspondence maps between geometric shapes has been shown to be the fundamental problem in managing geometric shape collections. Prior work has focused on computing efficient maps between pairs of shapes, and has shown a quantifiable benefit of joint map synchronization, where a collection of shapes are used to improve (denoise) the pairwise maps for consistency and correctness. However, these existing map synchronization techniques place very strong assumptions on the input shapes collection such as all the input shapes fall into the same category and/or the majority of the input pairwise maps are correct. In this paper, we present a multiple map synchronization approach that takes a heterogeneous shape collection as input and simultaneously outputs consistent dense pairwise shape maps. We achieve our goal by using a novel tensor-based representation for map synchronization, which is efficient and robust than all prior matrix-based representations. We demonstrate the usefulness of this approach across a wide range of geometric shape datasets and the applications in shape clustering and shape co-segmentation.


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