“NeuroSkinning: automatic skin binding for production characters with deep graph networks” by Liu, Zheng, Tang, Yuan, Fan, et al. …

  • ©Lijuan Liu, Youyi Zheng, Di Tang, Yi Yuan, Changjie Fan, and Kun Zhou




    NeuroSkinning: automatic skin binding for production characters with deep graph networks

Session/Category Title:   Animation and Skinning



    We present a deep-learning-based method to automatically compute skin weights for skeleton-based deformation of production characters. Given a character mesh and its associated skeleton hierarchy in rest pose, our method constructs a graph for the mesh, each node of which encodes the mesh-skeleton attributes of a vertex. An end-to-end deep graph convolution network is then introduced to learn the mesh-skeleton binding patterns from a set of character models with skin weights painted by artists. The network can be used to predict the skin weight map for a new character model, which describes how the skeleton hierarchy influences the mesh vertices during deformation. Our method is designed to work for non-manifold meshes with multiple disjoint or intersected components, which are common in game production and require complex skeleton hierarchies for animation control. We tested our method on the datasets of two commercial games. Experiments show that the predicted skin weight maps can be readily applied to characters in the production pipeline to generate high-quality deformations.


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