2017 Technical Paper: ISERINGHAUSEN_4D Imaging through Spray-On Optics

“4D imaging through spray-on optics” by Iseringhausen, Goldlücke, Pesheva, Iliev, Wender, et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: SERRANO_Movie Editing and Cognitive Event Segmentation in Virtual Reality Video

“Movie editing and cognitive event segmentation in virtual reality video” by Serrano, Sitzmann, Ruiz-Borau, Wetzstein, Gutierrez, et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: XIONG_Rainbow Particle Imaging Velocimetry for Dense 3D Fluid Velocity Imaging

“Rainbow particle imaging velocimetry for dense 3D fluid velocity imaging” by Xiong, Idoughi, Aguirre-Pablo, Aljedaani, Dun, et al. …

2017 Technical Paper: KOYAMA_Sequential Line Search for Efficient Visual Design Optimization by Crowds

“Sequential line search for efficient visual design optimization by crowds” by Koyama, Sato, Sakamoto and Igarashi

2017 Technical Paper: Achar_Epipolar Time-Of-Flight Imaging

“Epipolar time-of-flight imaging” by Achar, Bartels, Whittaker, Kutulakos and Narasimhan

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Scalable Locally Injective Mappings” by Rabinovich, Poranne, Panozzo and Sorkine-Hornung

2017 Technical Paper: SHTENGEL_Geometric Optimization via Composite Majorization

“Geometric optimization via composite majorization” by Shtengel, Poranne, Sorkine-Hornung, Kovalsky and Lipman

2017 Technical Paper: MANDAD_Variance-Minimizing Transport Plans for Inter-surface Mapping

“Variance-minimizing transport plans for inter-surface mapping” by Mandad, Cohen-Steiner, Kobbelt, Alliez and Desbrun

2017 Technical Paper: DE GOES_Regularized Kelvinlets: Sculpting Brushes based on Fundamental Solutions of Elasticity

“Regularized kelvinlets: sculpting brushes based on fundamental solutions of elasticity” by Goes and James

2017 Technical Paper: PENG_DeepLoco: Dynamic Locomotion Skills Using Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning

“DeepLoco: dynamic locomotion skills using hierarchical deep reinforcement learning” by Peng, Berseth, Yin and Panne

“Phase-functioned neural networks for character control” by Holden, Komura and Saito

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Retrieval on Parametric Shape Collections” by Schulz, Shamir, Baran, Levin, Sitthi-amorn, et al. …

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Learning to Schedule Control Fragments for Physics-Based Characters Using Deep Q-Learning” by Liu and Hodgins

2017 Technical Paper: XU_Example-Based Damping Design

“Example-based damping design” by Xu and Barbic

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“String Actuated Curved Folded Surfaces” by Kilian, Monszpart and Mitra

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Data-driven physics for human soft tissue animation” by Kim, Pons-Moll, Pujades, Bang, Kim, et al. …

“Robust eXtended finite elements for complex cutting of deformables” by Koschier, Bender and Thuerey

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Practical Acquisition and Rendering of Diffraction Effects in Surface Reflectance” by Toisoul and Ghosh

2017 Technical Paper: FEI_A Multi-Scale Model for Simulating Liquid-Hair Interactions

“A multi-scale model for simulating liquid-hair interactions” by Fei, Maia, Batty, Zheng and Grinspun

2017 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Bounding proxies for shape approximation” by Calderon and Boubekeur

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