2013 Technical Paper: Luo_Structure-Aware Hair Capture

“Structure-aware hair capture” by Luo, Li and Rusinkiewicz

2013 Technical Paper: Chai_Dynamic Hair Manipulation in Images and Videos

“Dynamic hair manipulation in images and videos” by Chai, Wang, Weng, Jin and Zhou

2013 Technical Paper: Bradley_Image-based Reconstruction and Synthesis of Dense Foliage

“Image-based reconstruction and synthesis of dense foliage” by Bradley, Nowrouzezahrai and Beardsley

2013 Technical Paper: Kim_Scene Reconstruction from High Spatio-Angular Resolution Light Fields

“Scene reconstruction from high spatio-angular resolution light fields” by Kim, Zimmer, Pritch, Sorkine-Hornung and Gross

2013 Technical Paper: Lin_Semantic Decomposition and Reconstruction of Residential Scenes from LiDAR Data

“Semantic decomposition and reconstruction of residential scenes from LiDAR data” by Lin, Gao, Zhou, Lu, Ye, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: Huang_L1-Medial Skeleton of Point Cloud

“L1-medial skeleton of point cloud” by Huang, Wu, Cohen-Or, Gong, Zhang, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: He_Mesh Denoising via L0 Minimization

“Mesh denoising via L0 minimization” by He and Schaefer

2013 Technical Paper: HUANG_Edge-Aware Point Set Resampling

“Edge‐Aware Point Set Resampling” by Huang, Wu, Gong, Cohen-Or, Ascher, et al. …

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Simulating Liquids and Solid Liquid Interactions With Langragian Meshes” by Clausen, Wicke, Shewchuk and O’Brien

2013 Technical Paper: Zhu_A New Grid Structure for Domain Extension

“A new grid structure for domain extension” by Zhu, Lu, Cong, Kim and Fedkiw

2013 Technical Paper: NIELSEN_Synthesizing Waves from Animated Height Fields

“Synthesizing Waves From Animated Height Fields” by Nielsen, Soderstrom and Bridson

2013 Technical Paper: Kim_Subspace Fluid Re-Simulation

“Subspace fluid re-simulation” by Kim and Delaney

2013 Technical Paper: Crane_Robust Fairing via Conformal Curvature Flow

“Robust fairing via conformal curvature flow” by Crane, Pinkall and Schröder

2013 Technical Paper: Panozzo_Weighted Averages on Surfaces

“Weighted averages on surfaces” by Panozzo, Baran, Diamanti and Sorkine-Hornung

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Geodesics in Heat: A New Approach to Computing Distance Based on Heat Flow” by Crane, Weischedel and Wardetzky

2013 Technical Paper: Knöppel_Globally Optimal Direction Fields

“Globally optimal direction fields” by Knöppel, Crane, Pinkall and Schröder

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Understanding the Role of Phase Function in Translucent Appearance” by Gkioulekas, Xiao, Zhao, Adelson, Zickler, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: Vangorp_Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering

“Perception of perspective distortions in image-based rendering” by Vangorp, Richardt, Cooper, Chaurasia, Banks, et al. …

2013 Technical Paper: BOUSSEAU_Gloss Perception in Painterly and Cartoon Rendering

“Gloss Perception in Painterly and Cartoon Rendering” by Bousseau, O’Shea, Durand, Ramamoorthi and Agrawala

2013 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Exposing Photo Manipulation With Inconsistent Shadows” by Kee, O’Brien and Farid

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