2015 Technical Paper: Martin_OmniAD: Data-driven Omni-directional Aerodynamics

“OmniAD: data-driven omni-directional aerodynamics” by Martin, Umetani and Bickel

2015 Technical Paper: Moon_Adaptive Rendering with Linear Predictions

“Adaptive rendering with linear predictions” by Moon, Iglesias-Guitian, Yoon and Mitchell

2015 Technical Paper: Zhu_Codimensional Non-Newtonian Fluids

“Codimensional non-Newtonian fluids” by Zhu, Lee, Quigley and Fedkiw

2015 Technical Paper: Peer_An Implicit Viscosity Formulation for SPH Fluids

“An implicit viscosity formulation for SPH fluids” by Peer, Ihmsen, Cornelis and Teschner

2015 Technical Paper: REN_Image Based Relighting Using Neural Networks

“Image based relighting using neural networks” by Ren, Dong, Lin, Tong and Guo

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Animating human dressing” by Clegg, Tan, Turk and Liu

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Two-shot SVBRDF capture for stationary materials” by Aittala, Weyrich and Lehtinen

2015 Technical Paper: Muller_Air Meshes for Robust Collision Handling

“Skin microstructure deformation with displacement map convolution” by Nagano, Fyffe, Alexander, Barbic, Li, et al. …

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Learning shape placements by example” by Guerrero, Jeschke, Wimmer and Wonka

2015 Technical Paper: Schwarz_Advanced Procedural Modeling of Architecture

“Advanced procedural modeling of architecture” by Schwarz and Müller

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“WorldBrush: interactive example-based synthesis of procedural virtual worlds” by Emilien, Vimont, Cani, Poulin and Benes

2015 Technical Paper: Ritchie_Controlling Procedural Modeling Programs with Stochastically-Ordered Sequential Monte Carlo

“Controlling procedural modeling programs with stochastically-ordered sequential Monte Carlo” by Ritchie, Mildenhall, Goodman and Hanrahan

2015 Technical Paper: Monszpart_RAPTER: Rebuilding Man-made Scenes with Regular Arrangements of Planes

“RAPter: rebuilding man-made scenes with regular arrangements of planes”

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Coupled segmentation and similarity detection for architectural models”

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Session details: Reconstruction & analysis” by Desbrun

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“PatchTable: efficient patch queries for large datasets and applications” by Barnes

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Learning visual similarity for product design with convolutional neural networks”

2015 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“LinkEdit: interactive linkage editing using symbolic kinematics” by Thomaszewski

2015 Technical Paper: Shugrina_Fab Forms: Customizable Objects for Fabrication with Validity and Geometry Caching

“Fab forms: customizable objects for fabrication with validity and geometry caching”

2015 Technical Paper: Sun_Computational Design of Twisty Joints and Puzzles

“Computational design of twisty joints and puzzles”

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