2013 Poster: Huang_Computational Light Field Display for Correcting Visual Aberrations

“Computational Light Field Display for Correcting Visual Aberrations” by Huang, Wetzstein, Barsky and Raskar

2013 Poster: Kim_Color Assignment via Region Area and Color Harmony

“Color Assignment via Region Area and Color Harmony” by Kim, Yoo and Lee

2013 Poster: Schedl_Coded Exposure HDR Light-Field Video Recording

“Coded Exposure HDR Light-Field Video Recording” by Schedl, Birklbauer and Bimber

2013 Poster: Guy_Click&Draw Selection

“Click&Draw Selection” by Guy, Thiery and Boubekeur

2013 Poster: Yang_Celestia: A Vocal Interaction Music Game

“Celestia: A Vocal Interaction Music Game” by Yang and Shi

2013 Poster: Pao_Augmented Participatory Design

“Augmented Participatory Design” by Pao and Larson

2013 Poster: Speck_Asymmetrical Gameplay Across Heterogeneous Devices: Designing a Lexicon for Cross-Platform Development

“Asymmetrical Gameplay Across Heterogeneous Devices: Designing a Lexicon for Cross-Platform Development” by Speck and Diefenbach

2013 Poster: Cho_Anaglyph Decomposition using Disparity map

“Anaglyph Decomposition using Disparity map” by Cho, Lee and Joo

2013 Poster: Patterson_An Improved Rendering Technique for Active-Appearance-Model-Based Automated Age Progression

“An Improved Rendering Technique for Active-Appearance-Model-Based Automated Age Progression” by Patterson, Sethuram and Ricanek

“An Expressive Text-Driven 3D Talking Head” by Anderson, Stenger, Wan and Cipolla

2013 Poster: Inoue_An Examination of a Gradation Number for High-Gradation Displays Based on Luminance-Differences

“An Examination of a Gradation Number for High-Gradation Displays Based on Luminance-Differences” by Inoue, Sato, Ayama and Hashimoto

2013 Poster: Xueting_An Estimation Method for Blurring Effect in Augmented Reality

“An Estimation Method for Blurring Effect in Augmented Reality” by Xueting and Ogawa

“Amazing Sketchbook: extended drawing on a sketchbook using 3DCG” by Kondo, Goto and Mizuno

2013 Poster: SASAKI_Affective Music Recommendation System using Input Images

“Affective Music Recommendation System using Input Images” by Sasaki, Hirai, Ohya and Morishima

2013 Poster: Northam_Adjusting the Disparity of Stereoscopic 3D Media in Post Production

“Adjusting the Disparity of Stereoscopic 3D Media in Post Production” by Northam, Asente, Istead and Kaplan

2013 Poster: Tsai_Adaptive Manga Re-Layout On Mobile Device

“Adaptive Manga Re-Layout On Mobile Device” by Tsai, Yao, Chiang, Lai, Chi, et al. …

2013 Poster: Marchese_Activity Theory and Interface Design for Autism Treatment: Tracking, Collaborating, and Enriching the Classroom Experience

“Activity Theory and Interface Design for Autism Treatment: Tracking, Collaborating, and Enriching the Classroom Experience” by Marchese

2013 Poster: Tsuchida_A stereo six-band motion picture capturing using 4K digital cinema camera

“A stereo six-band motion picture capturing using 4K digital cinema camera” by Tsuchida, Sakai, Ito, Mukai, Kashino, et al. …

2013 Poster: Jang_A spatial-temporal method to refine a depth image

“A spatial-temporal method to refine a depth image” by Jang, Park, Lee, Jeong, Lim, et al. …

2013 Poster: Tobitani_A Simulation of Pearl Optical Phenomena for Cosmetic Preproduction

“A Simulation of Pearl Optical Phenomena for Cosmetic Preproduction” by Tobitani, Okada, Nishiyama, Ishida, Park, et al. …

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